Dating Tom would be like. . .

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--little pda in public, since your relationship would be on the dl

--LOTS of cuddling when he's home from traveling/touring

--You sometimes coming on tour with him, because he can't stand you not being by his side.

--Becoming like a sister with Harry,Sam and Paddy

--His family loving you

--Your family loving him

--going to every premiere you can with him

--him buying you expensice gifts even though you tell him not to

--you being his #1 fan

--Tessa loving you

--Harrison becoming your best friend

--fans always wanting to know if you two are dating

--having to deny the rumors, even though their true so no drama happens

--you lowkey being jelous of his friendship with Zendaya

--Getting super excited when he lands a role

--but also being sad since that means he has to leave you for filming

--you surprising him on his birthday by flying out to see him while he is filming

--becoming family with all the Marvel actors/actresses

--going to the gym with him

--loving watching him work out

--he tries to get you to work out with him, but his workout was just to extreme for you so you go do your own thing after a while

--making fun of him having to wear a thong for Spiderman

--him wanting to do the upside down spiderman kiss 

-you saying no at first

-you finally giving in because he wont give up

--after the kiss him laughing so hard he falls

--you laughing when he falls

-you laughing then yelling at him everytime he breaks his nose

HEY! Author here. This is my first story on here. Please let me know what you think!

Tom Holland PreferencesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora