The Dream

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(Cynders POV)
I slowly awoke inside a small cave where i was alone and cold. I went for a fly around warfang and the wind was nice and cool my wings open as I flew over a statue of ignites I saw Spyro behind it with someone. It was too dark to see i sunk up on them until it Was bright enough to see Spyro with Ember

"What is Spyro doing with Ember at this hour"
I watched them for awhile but then I saw them holding paws
"WTF" I think I said it loud enough that they heard. I flew to the top of the statue and about 5 minutes later another Girl shows up
"Hey Spy"
"Spy!!!!! alright this is just starting to get weird". I couldn't quite make out who it was but i think it was Flora another fire dragon. They flew off so I obviously followed them and they walked into the school walk way and just stopped. I started to hear Spyro talking "Hey Ember, Flora will you be my Girlfriends"
" WHAT THE HELL". In just lost i just stopped thinking all together In broken. I fly home and wait for Spyro To return But he didn't.

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