×~ C H A P T E R 1 ~×

15 1 0

"It's a simple case of depression, maybe even anxiety." said the tall and sleep deprived looking doctor, "It's as plain as day light" the smaller, quite feminine boy look up to his mother, "I feel fine...?" He felt fine, damn he even functioned 'fine'.

So why are they worried?

"Please wait for me and your mother in the waiting room," the brunette boy squinted his eyes in distaste, Why couldn't he stay? Did he do something wrong? Of course he didn't, that's just his imagination, doing what it was created for, he pulled out his phone from his pocket and texted his bestfriend

Me: after I leave the doctor's office, u wanna come over and hang out?

❤IDIOT❤: Yeh sure, when tho?

Me: around 4:30 ish is fine.

❤IDIOT❤:  Ight' cya'!

He put his phone away Impatiently and looked at the door he walked out of less than 10 minutes ago, Why did going to doctor's office have to take so long? He thought angrily, slightly pouting, before he knew it his mom was tapping him and the shoulder and whispering sweetly "C'mon honey," the sweet woman said, walking towards the exit, he lifted himself up slowly and followed the gentle woman out of the doctor's office, "Mom, what did the doctor tell you?" She flinched gently, she probably wasn't ready for such a straight forward question after being told such serious thing, "When we get home," she said barely above a whisper, he got in the car and sat back comfortably

*At home*

He went to his room as soon as they got home, saying 'he had homework to do' it was at least 4:10, but he was ready to get out of the place he called home so he could meet his bestfriend, Travis.

he climbed out of his window after changing and brushing out his floofy hair, Marshall steadily balanced himself before jumping off the tree branch, he impressively still fell flat on his ass.

his bestfriend, little did, he know was watching the whole time and busted out laughing , when the smaller fell square on his ass, "Oh shutup travis, I didn't laugh when you fell down the stairs" he said getting up and wincing slightly and rubbed his aching ass, from the fall, he sighed angrily, "you're right, but that was hilarious to watch" the taller said, wrapping his arm around the smallers shoulder, dragging him to his blue Toyota, unlocking the car door and getting in, "so where to shorty?"
Hey hello, thank you for reading this shitty story, although this is just the beginning, I hope you enjoy it!
Signing out, Bunny~

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Mar 16, 2020 ⏰

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