Meet Jon

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Jon was born in 0000 in Paris,France, he traveled to England, Japan, and Germany when he was a kid. Jon learned Japanese he also learned German and Portuguese as well.

Jon and his family went to a Café, his parents were ordering food and a girl cane who was probably his age talked to him. "Hey I'm Ash, what's yours?" "Jon, nice to meet you Ash." Jon thought for a minute and then he asked her a question "Can-Can we be friends?" "Sure!" Jon was so happy inside. "Ash c'mon we have to go!" "Okay! Bye see you later." "You too."  Ash went home after she drank her hog chocolate.
"Here's your hot chocolate Jon" said his step mom. Jon drank his hot chocolate thinking about Ash. Jon and his parents went home to tell him the big news.

"Nous avons de grandes nouvelles pour toi Jon. Nous déménageons à Los Angeles! (We have big news for you Jon. We're moving to Los Angeles!)" Jon was shocked when he heard that. "Pourquoi? Pourquoi déménageons-nous? Et pouvez-vous parler anglais? (Why? Why are we moving? And can you please speak English?)"  Jon was sad because he won't see Ash again.

"Hey I heard you were moving" said Ash, "Yea, I'll miss you a lot." Jon felt a tear down his cheek, "Awe don't cry! I'll find you someday. I promise and I won't stop until I meet you, okay?" "Okay, your the best!" They both hugged. "Bye Jon." "Bye Ash"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2020 ⏰

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