The beginning

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Outhers note

Disclaimer I dont own Naruto or Naruto shippuden. I wish I did.


Simple. That's what it was supposed to be. It wasn't. Passing the genin exam was not as easy Naruto thought it would be. First there was the written test. Oh how he hated these kind of tests. Not that he was stupid or something, but written tests where a problem because he always got a much harder test than his classmates. Why? Because his teachers hated him that's why. And they weren't the only ones. A lot of people hated him, disliked him or even torture him. For a long time he wondered why they treated him that way but after hours of thinking he couldn't understand or find a reason for their hatred.

Written tests had always been a problem ever since he started in the academy. In his first year Naruto really tried hard to study and be an excellent student but his teachers didn't give him a chance to get good grades which he really wanted. He knew good grades were important even if nobody had told him.

Whenever he asked a question they ignored him, when he tried to answer a question again they ignored him. Once during a test he dared to look at the questions on the test from the boy next to him. When he did he saw that they had different questions. The boy next to him had questions Naruto could answer while his own test was really complicated and practically impossible to answer even for a student of a higher year. After several months of trying to get good grades and not succeeding he simply stopped trying.

Second there was the practical exam where they had to show how good they were in kunai and shuriken throwing, taijutsu and ninjustu. Now kunai and shuriken throwing was something he could do. He would be much better though if his kunai and shuriken were in prime condition but unfortunately a new set of those were expensive and for an orphan like Naruto those were unaffordable. His Taijutsu was a mess and he knew it but it wasn't his fault really since nobody wanted to teach him the basic movements.

Sure he could hit someone but a punch is much more than just a hit. A punch is a hit to a certain part of the body with the intention to really hurt the opponent. His chakra control was a mess also and for the life of him he just couldn't do that stupid Bunshin No Jutsu. No matter how many time he tried it wouldn't work. It drove him almost up the walls from frustration.

All this resulted in his third failure to pass the genin exam. Iruka sensei didn't pass him because he couldn't do the necessary clone with the Bunshin No Jutsu. He was really mad. Not at Iruka sensei though no Iruka sensei was one the few people that treated him with some form of care. Other than Sandaime jichan and the people at Ichiraku ramen he had no one he could call friend or family. So Naruto sat at the swing on the academy ground watching how his classmates got praised or congratulated by their parents. His heart ached a little seeing this scenery.

"Naruto?" he heard a voice behind him say. When he turned around he saw his other teacher Mizuki say.

" Are you okay Naruto?" Mizuki asked with concern showing in his eyes. Naruto just kept silent not really wanting to answer how he felt.

"You know, Naruto? Iruka sensei really feels bad about failing you again. He doesn't do it to pick on you. You know that don't you? He really wants you to pass but he doesn't want you to pass when you clearly not ready. Being a shinobi is a life threatening job." Mizuki sensei tried to explain to Naruto.

"I know that being a shinobi is a dangerous job and that people who aren't ready get themselves and their teammate killed. I know and understand that, but…" Naruto answered to his sensei.

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