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Light swims into my vision.

I open my eyes bit by bit, and I find out that I am staring at a plain white ceiling, not lilac coloured like at home or dusty grey like at school, pure white. And the smell of medicine and sick people... Where am I?

Strangely enough, my ears seem fuzzy, but i ignore the sensation and keep looking around.

I am in a hospital.

The first thing I panic about is my violin. Without it, I'd go crazy in a week. The second thing I do panic about, is the violin contest.

God dammit! Why did it have to be now of all times that I am hospitalized for driving into a tree and almost dying?

An angry tear slips out of my eye. I can't possibly miss the contest! Swinging my legs out of bed, I attempt to leave.

A tugging sensation emerges at my wrist. Ugh. I should've known they'd restrain me with an IV drip.

"Ugh!" I yell as loudly as I can, hoping that this is all a nightmare, a very scary, long, bloody nightmare.

I don't hear a thing.

Frantic, I start talking to myself, to confirm that I'm not really deaf and it's just the shock playing with my nerves.

I hear nothing.

I'm probably wearing earplugs, right? I reach up to my ears.

No earplugs.

My hearing is lost.

"NO!!" I shout, putting my head in my hands. My heart begins to pound, as tears make their way down my face. I can't hear a single word that comes out of my mouth.

Dad's passing was one thing, but this is entirely different. How will I be able to play music anymore?

I bury my head in my hands and weep.

Must God be so cruel to take my music away from me along with the person I loved most?

"GOD!" I scream. "WHY?"

Normally, my screams would've deafened even myself, but...

My hearing is gone.

A doctor frantically runs down the ward and rushes into my room. He bends down at the foot of the bed.

You okay, Miss Barrera? He writes on a whiteboard hanging at the end of the bed.

"Do I look okay to you?" I whisper.

He nods understandingly.

I know it hurts you emotionally, and you won't be able to play the violin anymore.

"How do you know about my God damn violin?" I ask, not hearing a thing.

The dressmaker, Adelaide Francoise. She found you after you had accidentally swerved into a tree.

The Violin (TEMPORARILY ON HOLD BECAUSE MAN, THIS BOOK SUCKS.)Where stories live. Discover now