Rule Number One : Headshots

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"Addison, what have you been told about trying to run off like that!? Do you not care that they'll take you away and send you somewhere else if you keep doing this? Not everybody would be as nice about your flight risk personality as we are! It's your senior year, you're almost eighteen... Would it kill you to just sit down and think about your life for a moment? This is the best it's going to get right now. I know you want to run off and find your brothers every chance you get but you're not allowed. It's not up to me if you see them or not- you know the judge said himself that neither Merle nor Daryl are capable of taking care of you and there is to be no contact. I know you love them, but they aren't good for you. Merle is a glorified drug addict and Daryl can hardly take care of himself for fucks sake! You need to stop being so selfish and realize that not being able to see them is for your own good!" Molly yells at me, reaching to turn the radio down, ignoring yet another alert from the CDC.

I can't help but roll my eyes at her, she's the fourth self righteous bitch to tell me that this year. How long is it going to take them to realize that I give a flying fuck if my brothers are capable of taking care of me or not? I would rather be with Daryl and Merle having to earn my keep than having stuck up middle aged white bitches tell me how good my life is everyday... she continues to try and scold me for running off until I finally manage to tune her out and focus on the voice coming through the speakers. The CDC has been reporting of a virus unlike any they've seen before and are telling people to migrate to the cities for protection... which I think is a load of shit. My brothers may not have taught me much, but they did make sure I had a little knocking around sense- and I know that confining people into one space like that will do absolutely nothing but spread the virus faster. It makes it easier for the germs to hop from one person to the next until suddenly everybody's infected... I'll have to do some research tonight.

Upon arriving back to Molly and Victor's I rush upstairs to my room and pull my school assigned laptop from under my bed, quickly beginning to dig around for more information about the virus. What I find is absolutely appalling, and if it's correct then I need to get the fuck out of this house before they try and rush me to Atlanta. Video after video of the infected attacking others, ripping into them and devouring them like it's nothing... nothing seems to stop them either except for a good blow to the head. Thinking quickly I dump all my school shit out of my backpack and toss two changes of clothes into the newly emptied bag, along with the few hygiene products I actually use and the pocket knife Merle had somehow managed to get to me last week at school. Grabbing an empty notebook and scrawl what I'm sure will be the first of many rules I'll come up with... Headshots... along with a basic supply list and the directions to Daryl's. As soon as Mr and Mrs Asshole go to bed I'll get my shit and get the fuck out of here.

Crossing the room to my closet I slip out of my jeans and sweater and into a pair of basic black, athletic, leggings and the old Anarchy shirt of Daryl's that I cut off to fit me. Grabbing my sneakers and my favorite black hoodie I cross back to sit on my bed, quickly slipping the hoodie over my head and the shoes onto my feet. It only takes about an hour for the two of them to go to bed, and I act as soon as I hear his loud ass snoring coming through the wall. Grabbing my list and my backpack I make my way out of my bedroom and downstairs to the kitchen. I grab enough canned food to last the three day walk to Daryl's and six water bottles from the refrigerator and toss them into my bag before making my way into the bathroom and clearing out everything in the medicine cabinet, tossing the medication into a separate compartment of my bag. My next stop is the garage, after a quick look around I decide on taking a hammer and a few screwdrivers with me for protection... if the news is correct then I'll need it.

As I move to make my way back into the house I hear Molly let out a blood chilling scream and decide going back inside to see what's wrong is not an option, and neither is leaving on foot. Running across the garage I grab the keys to Victors truck I unlock it and jump into the drives seat, tossing my bag into the back seat and locking the doors behind me. In the time it takes me to put the keys in the ignition and start the truck, Victor had entered the garage... but he's not really a Victor if you look close enough. A large bite mark is visible on his right arm, and his face is covered in blood. He's got a mouth full of bloody meat and his eyes are clouded over- I can hear him snarling at me over the sound of the trucks engine. Throwing the truck in reverse I don't even bother to open the garage door before I hit the gas, the truck slamming right through the door like it's nothing. Looking up again, I find Victor advancing on the truck and waste no time getting the fuck out of here.

As I quickly back out of the driveway I notice the front door is standing wide open and the homeless man that Molly let's sleep on the couch standing in it... but he's different. Infected. Once the truck hits the street I waste no time speeding down the street, clicking the radio on to see if I can hear any more news about what's going on. As I drive I find myself slowing down when I hear somebody shouting my name. Taking a glance around I see the Thomas brothers sprinting for the truck, all three of them launching themselves into the bed and beating on the roof for me to hurry up and go. A glance in the rear view mirror reveals what they're running from, their little cousin. Infected. Nodding my head at them I hit the gas and suddenly were speeding down the street in the direction of Daryl's. I hear the sliding glass window that separates the cab from the bed open. "We're going to slide through the window- do you know what the fuck is going on?" One of them, Yeshua, asks- slipping his body through the window and into the back seat before turning to help Zachariah and Ezra into the cab.

"Only a vague idea... What happened to the three of you?" I ask, glancing at the brothers in the mirror to confirm they're not hurt. "Everything was going normal yesterday, then today Rachel came over to spend the night... she had a horrible fever so Mom sent her to bed. Then we woke up a few minutes ago to Dad screaming, by the time we made it downstairs we found Rachel tearing into Dads throat... Mom was already dead, or it looked like it. So we did the only thing we could think to do- We ran." Yeshua explains, checking over his younger brothers. "It was nothing but luck that you happened to be driving by when you did." Zachariah supplies with a small smile. "One of you get into my backpack and get the notebook- We're going to my brothers." I say, my eyes not leaving the road. I hear some rustling about in the back and then the next thing I know Yeshua is climbing over the console into the passenger seat, my notebook clutched tightly in his right hand. "Open it and start giving me directions... I think it's a two and a half hour drive."

"Merle's is closer than Daryl's."

(The brother on the far right is Yeshua, and the other two are his younger twin brothers.)

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