The First Generation

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(not written in character)

Members and Their Main Magic:

Reinlas and Farenhale Harraele: Fire

Itanrora Birt: Ground

Yaitera Zikare: Flight

Cernia Synod: Ice

Veridal Harare: Metal Manipulation

Moranto Kyneliem: Water

Gheranto Lonato: Lightning

Itimkrata Chaol: Conjuration

Lonai Yorana: Mist

Kinnari Nethira: Illusions

Relationships Between The First:

Reinlas: Married

Farenhale: Single

Itanrora and Yaitera: Married

Itimkrata and Gheranto: Coupled

Moranto and Cernia: Coupled

Veridal: Single

Kinnari: Single

Lonai: Married

Brief History Before Kingdom Construction:

Over time some of the first generation members got together as Itanrora and Yaitera did, this affected the kingdom situations when the first decided kingdoms should be made rather than one governmental system for the whole race. The couplings of first generations members caused kingdoms to be bigger for those under a couples rule but then there was the odd circumstance of the Harraele twins, the only members of the first to be biologically related caused for a different opportunity for them, namely they had to decide who'd rule and then the rest of the first agreed they could choose where their kingdom was first. The first after deciding on making kingdoms then made the First Generation laws. The laws were to be upheld across every kingdom, nowhere was allowed to have laws that contradict the first generation laws.

The First Generation Laws:

The laws to define the immortalai were simple ones:

1) Have complete loyalty to your monarch and their children

2) In times of Warfare, to save lives if one side retreats the otherside must halt any attack on the retreating soldiers, in regards to this any wounded on the retreating side as well as prisoners of war must be handed over to the victors

3) No first generation member can change these laws after they have been voted to be the permanent laws

4) Any law made in a kingdom must be followed by all citizens and even the monarchy

5) Any traitors found in a kingdom can be dealt with however the reigning monarch chooses

6) If any exiled re-enter any immortalai kingdom they are to be executed

7) If a kingdom is conquered law number one is now refering to your new monarch

Any caught not following the First Generation laws were to either be exiled from all kingdoms or executed depending on the severity of the crime.

Current Status of The First Generation:

Reinlas Harraele: Alive

Farenhale Harraele: Deceased

Itanrora Birt: Deceased

Yaitera Zikare: Deceased

Cernia Synod: Deceased

Veridal Harare: Deceased

Moranto Kyneliem: Deceased

Gheranto  Lonato: Location unknown

Itimkrata  Chaol: Location unknown

Lonai: Deceased

Kinnari: Deceased

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