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"Cory? I knock on the door of his recording booth.

He's been in there editing for hours.

"Baby? I say, opening the door and going in. "Cory you should come eat, seriously." I say, leaning against the desk.

"I'm not hungry."

"You haven't eaten anything since this morning, please babe, just come eat." I say, rubbing his shoulders. Cory takes off his headphones and looks at me.

"I haven't uploaded in four months Y/N, four months. I have to get done with this video today." I sigh as he puts the headphones back on.

"But I've been so lonely.. You've been spending too much time in here.. And no time with me at all.." I say, leaning against the wall.

"Then you can come in here and sit with me while I edit." He says.

"I'm serious Cory, we haven't had sex in a month."

"That's not that long babe. You do know this is how-"

"How you pay the bills. I know." I cut him off, rolling my eyes. "You know what, I don't care, stay in here all night if you want." I say, before leaving and slamming the door behind me.

I go downstairs and wrap Cory's plate before putting it in the fridge. I get that this is Cory's job, and he has 4 million people to please. But I'm his wife, and it just hurts my feelings that he chooses YouTube over me most of the time.

Hell I bet they don't even know he's married.

I frantically wipe down the counters and stove top, trying to calm myself down. I know I shouldn't be mad at him. But I really can't help it.


I turn around facing Cory.


"Please don't be mad at me, I'm sorry." He says, sitting on the kitchen counter and gesturing for me to get closer.

I put the dish rag down and walk towards him, standing in between his legs. "You've been an asshole to me all day." I say, making him laugh a little.

"I know Y/N, and I'm sorry. I've been so stressed lately.. And I just don't wanna lose any of the Samurai because I'm not uploading." He says, placing his hands on my waist.

"Well if they're real samurai then they'll wait right? I put my arms over his shoulders.

Cory leans in and presses his soft lips against mine.

"Yea, I hope so." He says, dragging his hands down his face.

"Did you finish the video?



Are you a real samurai?😂 Yes I do sex imagines but y'all have to request them. Message me privately with the details of your imagine and I'll get it out as soon as possible💋

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2020 ⏰

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