Just a Warning

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Before you either hate me for this or try and kill me because you have heard this so many times from other sources just hear me out. 

The virus that is spreading around the world, the Corona virus (COVID-19) is no joke. This is a person who has it speaking to you. It's hell and it hurts to breath at times but I'm making progress in recovering. The last chapter was to try and get some laughs and lighten the mood of this problem. 

Tips: (I know you've all heard this but just please do it for me and for others)

1. wash hands regularly with soap and hot water (just hot enough that its bearable) 

2. Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth and keep at least 3 feet apart from other people when speaking to them or interacting with them. 

3. if sick from this stay home and quarantine. Have food that will last you a while

4. don't panic and don't stock up like crazy. Panicking does nothing to solve the situation and will make things worse. Also stocking up hurts your wallet to trust me.

5. Try and find some fun in life you cant just sit around all day and have nothing to do. just as long as you dont stress you'll be fine. 

I think thats enough said and again I know it's getting annoying with these types of things but hey welcome to life. Have a nice day and see you next time.

And Yes I plan on getting better. No virus can hold this guy down well maybe physically but you get my point in mentality. 

Stay safe and healthy my brothers and sisters. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2020 ⏰

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