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Svala's recovery went smoothly as the days passed.

By day three, the half Light Elf felt no pain whatsoever in her body and her leg was fully functioning. Her injuries had been fully healed—thanks to herself and Maryse—and she only had a few scars, the one on her thigh the largest of all.

Svala was relatively happy, though, because her mother wasn't in jail anymore and her main problem had been eradicated, thanks to her murderous partner. She also felt better about being referred to by her real name, it picked up easy around the castle and among the realm, and it grew on her quickly. Sure, she'd said it before, but testing it out and taking it seriously was different, she really liked hearing it.

It had been a week since she had been in the healing sanctum and she lived her life relatively easily, everything felt peaceful and she rarely woke up anxious or in pain like she usually did. Today was no different, because after spending hours at the lake with Loki—"This boat wasn't stolen, darling,"—and getting over her fear of water, the smile never left her face. Loki had gotten tired after hours or rowing and showing her around, but Svala was still wide awake, so she roamed the palace and ended up in the library while he napped.

She didn't know how long it had been since she was there, her mind caught up in a book about Yggdrasil, the tree of life, essentially, the reason the realms were what they were now. It symbolized so much, and the tales surrounding this tree were some of the most interesting and enlightening she had ever read.

"Your love for reading never ceases to make my heart full."

Svala turned her head, smiling when she spotted Runa walking towards her. Her locs were swinging lackadaisically around her frame, reaching down to her hips and parted to the side. Her dress a pale, minty green, and a tan shawl wrapped around her body. "Hello, mother."

"Are you busy?" she asked. Svala used her thumb to keep the book on the page she was reading, looking up at Runa since she was sitting on the floor.

"Not really. I'm meeting Loki in the garden in a few. Are you okay?"

"I'm doing well. Walk with me?"

"Sure," Svala dog-eared the book and held it in her hands, walking with her mother out of the library, "are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Runa said, wrapping an arm around her shoulder, "the council would like a word with you, though, if that's alright?"

"Okay," Svala shrugged, thinking nothing of it, because what else was going on? Mariska once said they had a lot to discuss referring to Baug's death, so Svala guessed that was why they wanted her to join.

"How has your day been?" Her mother asked softly, "Loki requested a boat this morning, so I assume you went to the lake?"

"I did!" Svala replied animatedly, "did you know there's a cave behind that really big waterfall? And did you know the oldest Kronan lives there? His name is Krayn and he's like...six thousand years old."

𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐎𝐃 ✵ 𝐋𝐎𝐊𝐈Where stories live. Discover now