In Which Our Lovers Meet

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The bright sun shone down on the village of Baxter

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The bright sun shone down on the village of Baxter. Reed Richards looked out of his window in disappointment. He was hoping for rain, so he could test his latest invention. He had invented a system that would purify the rainwater as it fell, using the power of the water itself. He only needed the rain to prove that it would work.

Reed was known all throughout the town as being helpful and wise, if not a little absent-minded. Whenever the town had a problem, they would go to Reed and he would invent something to fix the problem. He loved to learn new things and was always ready to gain new wisdom. It was said that Reed was the smartest man in all the lands, and he was always getting visitors who wanted to share their science with him. Reed hoped that one day he would be able to cure his dearest friend Benjamin Grimm of his strange ailment. His dear friend Ben had experienced burns to his skin one day when Baxter was attacked and tonics from Reed's laboratory spilt onto his skin. Reed blamed himself and decided he would not rest until he could cure Ben's ailment.

If the sun was shining, he decided, he would just work on another invention. However, he did not know what to invent. The town was doing well and had no problems. He had made a new batch of skin tonic the night before for Ben. Reed wanted to invent something amazing so he could impress Susan Storm, the daughter of the town doctor. He knew other men in town had their eye on her, and that they were bigger and stronger than he. He could not think of any inventions that would be good enough.

He caught a glimpse of Ben coming to his house, so he paused his thinking and went to prepare his skin tonic. Ben was not walking calmly as he usually did. He was running to the house and came in without knocking.

"We gotta get out of here, egghead!" Ben said. "Johnny Storm spotted horses coming over the hill outside of town!"

"Are you sure this isn't one of his pranks?" Reed asked.

Ben shook his head. "Nope. I went to look too, and these horses...their riders ain't like anything I've seen before. They got this jewel in the middle of their chest, and they're carrying weapons nothing else." Ben saw curiosity light up in Reed's eyes. "We have to get out of here, Reed. I've got a bad feeling about dis."

"But the skin tonic..."

"I can put it on later. We have to get where it's safe." Ben grabbed Reed's arm. "We need to get to the centre of town, to the fortress ya made."

Reed had built a fortress to keep the townspeople safe if any enemies came. Reed and Ben ran to the fortress and got inside. The townspeople were readying their weapons, mostly ones that Reed had invented. He looked around and saw Susan. She was not afraid, and he decided that he would not be either. As the horses got closer, Reed saw that they were completely made of stone except for the jewel on their chest. They showed no emotion as they came into town. Then Reed noticed the man leading them. He was dressed in armour from his head to his feet, and a green cape with a hood blew in the wind behind him. What struck Reed most, though, was his face, which was covered in a metal mask.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2020 ⏰

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