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*jens pov*

I got in the shower and just let the water run over me, I was so upset with Alex, and at my self for some reason..

I don't know what I'm gonna do but I can't go back to that house, not with him there.

I get out of the shower, wrap a towel around me and walk out of the bathroom, I see a pair of pajamas, so I put them on. The pants fit fine, but the shirt is a little too big, I still look cute though. Surprisingly I found a blow dryer in there, so I took advantage of that. I blow dried my hair until my natural curls were hanging past my shoulders. Then I headed downstairs looking for James.

"At least the pants fit." I hear James laugh as I walk downstairs. "Yeah, I'm surprised, the shirt is a little big though." We both laugh. "Thanks for letting me borrow come clothes." I say as I sit beside him on the couch. "No problem." He says and smiles. "Are you okay?" He asks softly. "Yeah, I'll be fine." I say and look away from him.

"I know you probably don't wanna go back just yet, so I was thinking, if you wanted to, maybe you could stay here?" He says with one eyebrow raised. I kind of just sit there, surprised at what he said. "Oh, I-I wouldn't want for you to like babysit me, I'd probably annoy you so much. I don't wanna just barge in your privacy.." I say looking at him. "Really Jennifer? I see you and work with you everyday, I'm used to it, and you're not annoying anyways." He shrugs his shoulders. I smile and actually get kind of excited on the inside.

"So..?" He asks perking his head out looking at me. "Oh okay.." I say and roll my eyes. "Great, it'll be fun!" He says and puts his arm on the top of the couch so that it's around me. I smile and lean in closer to him. At this point I'm soo tired so I start to daze off in his arms, the last thing I remember is him kissing my forehead, then I fell asleep.


About an hour later I woke up still in James arms, I looked up at him and he was asleep. I looked behind me towards the kitchen, and the time on the stove was 8:40.  Wow it wasn't even late yet, but I was still tired. So I grabbed a blanket that was beside me on the couch, and scooched in even closer to him, and put the blanket over us. I kinda just layed there, I couldn't fall back asleep.

He smells really good..like cinnamon. I was still just laying there, even though I was so tired, then James moved his arm from the top of the couch, to where it's actually around me and pulled me closer, taking up the small space that was inbetween us. He slowly rubbed his arm up and down my shoulder. And we both fell asleep.

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