Fiyero's Cookie Encounter

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*One shot inspired by tumblr post

"Fiyero???" Elphaba said in an angry tone.

"Yeeessss Faaaaaeee?" Fiyero called, elongating each word.

Elphaba huffed. Obviously not too happy. "What did I say about giving the kids sweets before dinner?"

Fiyero rolled his eyes. "What?" He said. "They asked, very kindly, and you know I can't say no to Liir and Arduenna when they give their puppy dog looks!"

"Yero!" She huffed again. "Why must I always be the enforcer in this house??"

A devilish smile spread a crossed his face. "Well," he began. "You aren't always the enforcer." He slid his arms around her waist.

She rested her hands on his chest. "I hate your stupid face."

He chuckled. "I hate it too.. Mind if I use yours? It's gorgeous."

She giggled. "Shut up." She said smiling. They both laughed.

They gazed into each other's eyes, kissing softly.

"You know," she began, leaving his grasp. "I'd like to be the nice guy sometime."

"Hey now," he said. "You are the nice guy. You just don't know it."

Elphaba rolled her eyes. "Fiyero, who's the one who constantly tells Liir & Arduenna no all the time?"

He avoided eye contact. "" He muttered.

"Me. Exactly." She said. "And who's the one who goes against what I say and says yes anyway?"

"" He said, still avoiding eye contact.

"You. Exactly."

"Look," Fiyero said, walking across the room. "Fae, I get what your saying, but I mean come on! Our kids, they're very well behaved and they know when they're not supposed to do something. Why? Because of you." He said, standing in front of her, pointing his silly finger and starring into her eyes. "Because," he continued, "you are one fantastic mother, and I'm pretty sure I'm a descent father." He smiled.

She breathed out. "Stop trying to make me feel good." She retorted, looking down.

He lowered himself, running his hands down her sides, looking up into her eyes as she tried to avoid his gaze. "I'm not trying to make you feel good, Fae. What I'm trying to do is show you how great of a mother you are. Don't doubt yourself, love."

She turned away from him. He followed. "Why can't I see myself the way you see me?" She asked him.

"That's exactly it. Honey, the reason why you don't see yourself as anything other than wicked is because you've never been confident in anything you've ever done."

She crossed her arms. "That's not true." She said. "I'm pretty positive I was confident in running away with you, faking my death AND leaving my best friend while she thinks we're dead."

He sighed. "Elphaba, hear me out."

She rolled her eyes, crossing her arms tighter. "That's all I've ever done." She remarked under her breath.

He ignored her, wrapped his arm around her back and walked her into the archway between the dining room and the living room. "Look," he said. "You see those two?" He pointed at their two toddlers.

"Yes, Yero. I see them." She said.

"Now," he began. "Really look at them. Fully and completely. What do you see?"

She played with the necklace sitting on her chest, one arm wrapped around her abdomen. "I see our two amazing children. Playing ever so kindly. I see Liir has your nose and my chin. I see Arduenna has your smile and my eyes. I see the two gifts that saved me."

He smiled. "What else do you see in them?"

She closed her eyes. "I see, because of them, that I am not fully wicked. A part of me is. Was. And I see that without you," she opened her eyes and looked up at Fiyero. "They would've never come into my life." A smile grew on her face, stretching from ear to ear.

"What did I tell you? You're pretty fantastic." He said.

She leaned into him, wrapping both of her arms around his waist. "Thank you." She said. "Want a cookie?"

He laughed. "Eh, why not?"

And that there, is all she needed. A realization, and it's all thanks to some cookies.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2014 ⏰

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