Just fictional right?

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Author's note
Very sorry for how shitty this is but I just really wanted to finish this story. Gomen

3rd POV
Hajime Hinata is one of those people you would call an ultimate virgin. The ultimate single pringle and last but not the least, the ultimate third wheel.

Honestly, this guy was hopeless when it comes to social interaction. Don't even get me started on his 'romantic love life!'

The closest thing he has to a romantic relationship is him and A body pillow of a fictional character!

His life was as plain as his face. A background character that you wouldn't really pay attention to or would acknowledge. Pretty much just a character that's used for filler episodes but would eventually be forgotten in the end.

But who is he kidding, he's no character in those fictional fantasies. He's only purpose is to exist and carry on with life. A very, very lonely life like a worn out hoodie.

Not like there's he can do about it. He's going to die in the worst way possible. To die a virgin without a girlfriend. He's a total sucker. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Hajime's POV
Aahaha...What to do...I just finished the last episode of Bocu no-

Beep Beep!

I picked up the phone. "This is Hajime. Oh! I forgot that you were coming over! Erm...Ah no! It's fine, I'll open the door now."

I got out of my bed and fixed my messy bed hair. Alright, time to let them in. I went out of my bedroom and walked to the door to see my friend from the other class. Ouma Kokichi who looked like he was losing sleep quite a bit due to the slightly noticable bags under his eyes. I didn't want to pry into it though.

"Hey, Kokichi, what's shaking?" I asked him. He laughs and rambled on a game called Danganronpa. Huh, sounds awfully familiar. He said that I should check it out and I said I would later.

"Hajime, have you played this popular game called Mischief Messenger?"

"Oh you mean that gay dating simulation ga-" as I was finishingg words, he narrowed his eyes, making me immediately shut up.

"Ahaha..No, I haven't!" I answered differently. He rolls his eyes and just basically shook, telling me to play it.

"C'mon Hajime! There's a lot of cute girls there that might interest you too! I mean, before I played it, I thought I was straight as ruler, but now I'm just a full on bent ruler. Trust meeee, it'll be enlightening~! you might have to loose sleep though..." he mutters and I squinted my eyes at him with a look of disappointment.

Is that why he has bags under his eyes? He practically begged and annoyed me to play the game.

I sighed and gave in. "Fine, but I'm only playing cuz you said there were cute girls." He better not be lying, I swear.

We spent most of the afternoon hanging out. After that, he had to leave early because he forgot to do a project that was given to him months ago. Seriously, Kokichi?

I sighed as I was now back to being a sad sack of potatoes.

Ping! Kokichi: you better play the game!

I rolled eyes, telling him to just go and finish his project. Mischief Messenger, huh? Guess, there's nothing really left for me to do.

I opened the gaming store app as I searched for the game. "Mischief...Messenger" I said to myself as I typed the name of the game.

Alright, there it is- what the?? Over 150 mb? Dang that's a lot. I sighed to myself. I could just not download it. But at the same time, Kokichi might nag at me, plus I'm curious.

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