Chapter One- Reuniting

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*Amber's P.O.V.*

I woke up think that something was off about today. Then I remembered, today was my first day of 7th grade. I groaned, wanting today to be another day of summer vacation, but it wasn't. The worst part was, I was in the same class as my crush. I got up and walked to my closet and getting out my school uniform. A dark blue polo shirt and a khaki skirt. When I got downstairs I realized that I was home alone. My mom, already at work, and my brother at school. "Yay, home alone" I said very sarcastically to nothing in particular. Then, I heard a meow. Looking down, I saw my 2 month old kittens staring at me. Lily, the smaller of the 2 attached her paws to my leg. I squealed at the pain and picked her up so she couldn't use her claws against me anymore. Then I looked at the time."Shoot, I only have 10 minutes 'till I have to get to the bus stop" I exclaimed, abruptly putting down Lily. I ate my breakfast quickly. Then, brushed my long wavy brown hair that everyone wanted to play with but all I wanted to do was get it to be thinner, which was never going to happen. Next I brushed my teeth. Finally putting on my black converse and backpack, which I almost fell over with the weight of it. I said good bye to the kittens and walked up the hill to my bus stop. When the bus finally got to me I stepped on and went to my regular seat, turned around and said hello to Megan. "Hey Megan"

"Hey Amber! How was your summer?" She squealed happy to see me.

"It was great, what about yours?" While she told me all about her summer we neared the school and said good bye. Knowing we wouldn't be able to talk anywhere other than the bus since we weren't in any classes with each other.

Once I got inside I looked around and saw one of my best friends in the world Florence, I ran up to her and hugged the tiny person I call my best friend. "Hey Florence, it's been forever since I've seen you!" I practically yelled in her ear.

"It's been a week since I've seen you Amber" she said in a tone that said really? Is it that hard to remember. We
talked a bit then headed to our separate classes.

*skip to lunch*

I sat next to Marissa, one of my good friends, we have to sit at our assigned table so I really didn't have a choice. The next thing that happened surprised me. My crush, Luke, sat down RIGHT next to me. All of lunch was pretty awkward for me. I looked behind me and saw that Florence was talking and laughing with Liz, one of my good friends, but we don't talk very much. Lunch was over and I headed to my least favorite class. Social Studies. It was so boring and I think everyone struggled to stay awake. Then after English/ Language Arts it was finally time to go home. I got home and flopped down onto the couch after calling my mom telling her I was home and ok. Suddenly, Tiger comes up to me and lays down in the crook of my neck while Lily is on my stomach.

I could finally rest after a stressful day.


Hey Girls and Guys,
This is my first book and I know it might be horrible but this is my first time letting people read my writing so I hope you guys like it! Ok so just tell me if you like my story. If no one likes it then I will stop writing it and start writing something else! I now this was slow but the next chapter will be interesting I promise.

-Gemma :)

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