The clown statue

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Authors note: I HATE CLOWNS lets get that straight but this is a story since I hate clowns scared meh a lot but made meh laugh at the same time Lolz

U know the houses with the unreasonable amounts of rooms. Well that's where I was babysitting tonight, "the children r asleep and u can only go to the 2nd floor first room to ur right to watch tv." Said the parents "ok" I said they left and since I got nothing better to do I went upstairs to the room and watched tv. I got a little creeped out though when I saw the clown statue just standing there staring at meh. I felt a little uncomfortable but just ignore it. After a few minutes I called the parents "hello" they said "hey is it ok if I move to another room this clown statue is kinda creeping meh out." "Grab the kids call 911 and go to the next door neighbors house then call meh back." "Wait wh-". "No time to explain just do that then call meh back." I did as I was told, then called him back "did u do it." "Yes I said but wats going on!!!??." There was a silence for a moment
"W-we don't have a clown statue" I was silent "the kids were complaining every night about a clown staring at them while they were sleeping we thought it was just a nightmare." "Oh" after hours later the police found the intruder it was a homeless person dressed in a clown suit he was living there for weeks since the house was soo Large he was able to survive on food and shelter without being noticed he sometimes creeped into the children's bedrooms and stare at them while they slept.......::

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