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The rays of sun entered my room through the silky purple curtains.Rubbing out my sleepiness out of my eyes i got out of bed and walked out of my room.Along the way i greeted some of the servants and butlers that were rushing around the corridors of the palace.

I made my way to dinning room where my parents were already seated, I took my place as per usual at the end of the table,a plate full of pancakes was immediately placed right in front of me by one of the servants.I thanked her and gave her a smile, she smiled back and went on back to the kitchen.

"Good morning mom, good morning dad" i said
"Good morning Adelina dear how did u sleep"
"Good as usual" i nodded as i took a big bite of my pancakes.
" The king and Queen of Lavestia will be coming over to dinner tonight make sure you dress appropriately" Dad said and stood up and started walking to his office.

As i finished i got up and took my plate to the kitchen, i may look intimidating but im no where near one of those stuck up princess who only care about money and power, i just want to fall in love and raise a family with the one i love, and i know just the boy for that.

Now you might be wondering how did 2 kingdoms develop such a relationship,quite the story actually.

Way back before i was even born, my kingdom was under attack by 2 kingdoms who teamed up to take over one of the most strongest kingdoms, our kingdom was suffering and at some point was about to give up,that is until Damian Lavatoke King of Lavestia came and offered their help in exchange of uniting kingdoms by marrying the next heir to the thrones and who was my father to reject such an offer.

Me and the twins basically grew up together some people might consider us as siblings on how much time we spend together.I love both so dearly but one just managed to capture my heart, Prince Hayden, Im going to sound very cheesy right now and trust me im not the type of person to be cheesy about stuff, but its just something about him, those dark mysterious eyes just calling for you to discover them, his dark silky hair waiting for you to run your hands through it.Even the mention of his name makes my heart start doing cartwheels, anyways you get the picture. I havent told him about my feelings yet but my mind always goes to the stories my mum used to tell me,she used to tell me that me and Hayden were inseparable and at some point had even promised to marry each other, but that was a while ago and his feelings might have changed, i know mine sure havent.

Then there is prince Ash, quite the stubborn fella, hes a hard person to talk to,always ignoring people and giving them the cold shoulder at some point i dont know how i won him over not that we used to talk much but a couple of hi's and bye's were exchanged.My mum doesnt really like Ash she always gets bad vibes around him but i just think that hes just very misunderstood which i understand cause arent we all at some point?

I made mg way up the stairs again and walked my way to the library where I grabbed some books and started reading.After a few minutes of reading my phone dinged and i looked to see who it was,it was my best friend Vanessa telling me that shes coming over with her mum, no she's not a princess but her mum is my mothers best friend and she also works for us as my mums personal designer, she's quite talented i must say.

After a few minutes she busted the door open and ran to me hugging me tightly making my books all fall out of my hands, i smiled and hugged her back.

"Its only been a week,now get off me you pig" i chuckled and lightly pushed her off of me.
"Well excuse me for missing my best friend so much hmpf" she dramatically said as shs took the seat in front of me.

"Sooooo I heard from your mum that The Lavetoke's are coming over for dinner, what are u going to wear?" She asked

"Well.....i have no idea but its not like its the first time meeting them they come here almost every week" i answered uninterested as i lost myself in my book again.
" BOOOORIINNNNGGG, this is why you need ME as your best friend, you're so boring without me" she said flipping her long black hair.
" oh of course what could i do without my stylish best friend" i teased as she got up and walked towards me, " now lets go to my mothers room where she keeps all her ideas, i thought of some of my own and i want you to wear them!!" She exclaimed dragging me down the hall.

After all my hands started to hurt and started cussing internally for having such long corridors.She stopped abruptly making me bump into her back.I groaned and she just smiled at me, we went in and she started running around searching for her sketch book while i sat down on one of the cushions while i play with my hair.

"Nessa its really no problem ill probably find something ready on my bed" i yawned
"Handled that already, i already told your mum that I'm picking out your outfit tonight and since your mum LOVES ME SOOOO MUCH SHE LET ME" she squealed twirling around with one of the dresses as she stopped and started looking herself examining the dress through the mirror.

"Ahh sometimes i wish my life was a bit more like yours Ad,having a prince to wait for you now isnt that a dream? She sighed as she went back to the dress racks.

"Being royalty isn't as fun as you think it is Vanessa, you have responsibilities, a life already set for you wether you like it or not, not being able to go out alone and adventure without a bunch of body guards following around you everywhere you go" I sighed as i got up and hugged her

"I guess you're right" She says
"im always right" i said flipping my hair
"UGHH WAY TO RUIN THE MOMENT,NOOWWW COME ON I HAVE JUST THE DRESS FOR YOUUUUU" she said dragging me into her walk in wardrobe,

This is going to take awhile....

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