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"SIR, we cannot! I fully object to let those creatures in the slumps work with us!" A standing man interjects another as his face quickly turns red.

"Give me reasons why." A low, jagged voice inquires from across the room from a lengthy man who twirls a wine cup with red liquid in it.

The room was dim, and there were only 5 people in the small space. The only light letting in was the night lit city that was placed right outside the window beside them. Filled chairs surrounded the rectangle table that stretched from one end to another. It was stuffy in the room as many of the men were shaking in fear, and not because of the rule that was about to be broken.

The man standing was shaking along with everyone else, violently as his face was ruby red. Sweat piled up on his forehead as his anxiety made his breaths shorter and shorter, making it hard to breath. However, on the other side of the room was a mono man who was unbothered by such fear in the mans eyes. He wasn't bothered by it, instead, he was flourished deeply by the sound of their voices shaking. It made him want to almost laugh as a devilish smirk took place on his lips, listening to the man jumble his words.

"W-well for one- they have none- no- experience, t-they- most of them are d-demons w-who wanna kill- us," his words were stumbling over another, and all the other frighten men looked down in defeat. "T-they have no m-money to dress them-s-selves properly a-and-"

"Enough." The man had never been so quick to shut his mouth at the demand. "I've heard enough."

The wine bottle was set down gently, and the man who had held it stood slowly from his seat. He stood tall, taller than any other man in the room. The man on the other side of the table was shaking uncontrollably, and now sweat dripped form his pores down onto the slick wooden table.

"Is the reason you don't want them here..is because your scared?" The tall man questioned in a teasing tone, making his way painfully slowly towards the elder.

The other male was frozen in his tracks, eyes wide and mouth open as his body was paralyzed in a state of fear.

"Or is it because you don't want them to rule the city of wealth and live freely among us?" He teases again, and this time he rushes forward - scaring the older man back down into his chair.

Now leaning over him, hands on both sides of the man, the other speaks in a whispering tone.

"Your bitter, aren't you old man?" A smirk plays along his lips as he speaks, fully aware the man was about to cry. "Well that's good, because so am I." He states, gripping the chair harshly.

Letting go, he stands back up stiffly and makes his way to the window.

"I, Yukhei Wong, shall make this place a living hell for those slump friends of ours." His dangerous tone echoes through the room, and everyone's eyes grow weary. "But, we must make friends with first, now won't we?"

A lint of red flashes through the mans eyes as he stares at himself through the window, an evil smile on his lips as a dirty little secret whispers itself to him.

"Won't we."

Mark had been in bed all day, by bed he means a mattress on concrete next to a dead bird. No place like home, he guesses. After passing out yesterday, he's been having a weird feeling. After telling Donghyuck about it, he suggested it must have been nausea getting to him. Mark wanted to agree, but he just couldn't get a feeling something was suppose to be happening.

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