Chapter Three

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A/N - Hellooo. Yes, I know. It's been a hot minute since I updated this. I needed a bit of a break from it. I didn't feel as inspired to continue writing it, and I didn't want that to affect my work, so I took a bit of a break. I hope you don't mind. But, I finally decided to revisit this, and continue on with the story! Sorry that I left it on a cliffhanger like that tho, that was kinda mean of me... anyhoo!

I hope you enjoy ~

Emily's POV

      Rose didn't look up from her laundry as she carried the wet pile of clothes from the washer to the dryer with a silent huff. "Of course, dear, what is it?"

      I looked over at Jeff, who stood behind the door so Rose couldn't quite see him with his arms crossed. He impatiently nodded at me, silently telling me to "get on with it."

      I gulped, trying to find the right words to spit out next. I decided to just get straight to the point. "I have to leave."

      Rose stopped and looked at me quizzically. "Alright, when will you be back?" she asked, continuing with the laundry.

      "Yeah, uh, about that. . . " I trailed off, trying to find the right thing to say. "I can't come back." I finished, my face void of any emotion.

      She stood up completely straight when those words left my lips. Her chocolate brown eyes bore into my icy blue ones with confusion. Her brows knit together quizzically as she searched my face for an explanation. ". . .wh- I don't understand," she said, softly.

      "Rose. . . I haven't been completely honest with you," my gaze dropped to the floor in shame, my brows knitted together. "I didn't just run away from home when you found me."

      Her head titled slightly to the left, then glanced towards the floor while nodding her head. "Sweetie, lets go sit down in the living room-"

      "No!" I exclaimed, grabbing the door so it stays firmly in place; I wasn't ready to reveal Jeff.

      Both Rose and Jeff slightly jumped at my sudden outburst, eyes wide.

      Rose nodded her head again, raising her hands to try to sooth me. "Okay, we can stay here."

      I glanced over at Jeff, who was moving his hand in a small circle towards me, urging me to "get on with it."

      I cleared my throat, dropping my hand from the door. How can I just tell her? What will she think of me? Will she still care for me? Well, I'll be gone anyways. . . Damn Emily, just spit it out.

      "I came from an asylum." I stated, breaking the silence.

      Her eyes slightly widened at the new piece of information. She stayed silent, making my anxiety worsen.

      "I-I was taken there as a little girl. . . I've done some terrible things, but it was never my fault!" I rambled on, trying to explain myself. "The doctors and nurses and guards were always trying to hurt me and give me things I didn't want, I had to protect myself! I can fall asleep easily because I had to sleep sitting up in my sell because they had me in a straitjacket, wrapped in chains and left me there for months at a time! The only reason I made it out was because of Jeff, he got me out, even though we didn't really get along that well, and-"

        "Emily, Emily! Slow down, it's alright." she cut me off. I stared at her, panting. I didn't take a single breath of air during my anxiety-driven rant. "Okay. Who is Jeff?"

       "Me." Jeff rasped, butting himself into the conversation.

      Rose gasped, surprised by the second, male voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2020 ⏰

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