Chapter 2

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When we last left off, you were reminiscing about meeting your long lost love. In this chapter, I will give you a taste of what your love life was like and why it’s in the past. Enjoy ;) BTW, I don’t own BTR or Logan.


            You see, you and Logan Mitchell dated from fifth grade to ninth grade. Once you got to high school, Logan had to move across state. He tried to stay in contact with you but he changed phones and lost your phone number. You became very depressed, thinking he found someone else and didn’t love you anymore. He had given you a promise ring as a Pre-Engagement/Four-Year Anniversary gift just one month before he moved away. Not to mention after giving each other gifts, you were both filled with so much love that you gave each other your virginities that same night. That night was a night that you never forgot.


“Logan, are you sure about this!?” you asked, a bit nervous.

“Yes babe,” he answered, “My plan is flawless. My parents think I’m spending the weekend at your big brother’s place and your parents think you’re spending the weekend with my big sister. And our siblings agreed to cover for us. It’s just us: you and me celebrating our four-year anniversary in a hotel room. No bad stuff… just being ourselves.”

            You smiled at him happily, worries long gone, and kissed him with intense love, catching him completely off guard. This caused him to moan lightly before breaking the kiss. “I love you,” you whispered sweetly. He smiled with a bit of a gleam in his eyes. “I love you too…” he whispered back.

            You smiled at him again and shouted like a little kid, “Gift Time!!!!” Logan just chuckled and kissed you lightly. “You first,” he said. You blushed a bit and said, “Okay, close your eyes.” He shut them tight as you walked around to his side of the hotel room bed and put a bracelet on his wrist.

            Of course you’ve both given each other bracelets before, but this one was extra special. This particular bracelet had one important component of all the other bracelets on a gold rim with a slightly larger gold heart locket on it. The heart locket had two pictures of you guys as a couple. One was of you guys making silly faces and the other was of a passionate kiss you two shared in a photo booth.

            Once you placed it on his wrist, you told him to open his eyes. Logan opened his eyes and looked at the gift you gave him. He instantly teared up, proclaiming, “This is SO Beautiful!!!!” Logan stated crying so you seemed a bit worried and asked, “Logie, you okay baby?” He just nodded and said, “Marry me someday?”

“What???” you asked.

He pulled out a beautiful gold ring with a heart-shaped diamond the color of your birthstone, got on one knee, and gave it to you.

“This would be the official beginning of forever,” he said, “Pre-Engagement?”

“Awww!” you shouted, having a few tears of your own. You then allowed him to put the ring on your finger. “If you really wanna marry me someday, I’ll be there. I’ll walk up to you in my pretty, white dress. I’ll say my vows then “I Do” and I’ll be yours forever and ever baby,” you said, truthfully. Logan was pretty much speechless with happiness but he managed to say, “I Love You.” You nodded and said it back, kissing him softly.

“So… what now?” Logan asked innocently.

You gulped and blushed harder than ever before. “M-M-Make love to me?” you asked shyly.

Logan’s jaw just dropped because, little did you know, he’s wanted to do more than just foreplay since the last month of school. “You really mean it?” he asked, completely shocked and ecstatic. You just nodded and kissed him sweetly: moving you lips against his softly, slowly moving closer to lay on top of him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2014 ⏰

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