episode 1

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Jenny: girls there is mission

She say while coming on the living room and put his book on the dining table,but we were all lying on the cough lazily

Lisa: sis can't we just take rest for a day..
-while getting up from the cough,

Jenny: no lazy sis,we have to work

Rose: I know it is important but we are not a machine
-still lying on the cough

Jenny breath heavily

Jenny: where is y/n?
Jisoo; she was here..

They all look at the cough but it was empty

All: ?????😶

Rose: I through she was sleeping here
Jisoo: did she run away

Y/n: run away? That not my style

She come out from no where

Lisa: did you change your dress but why
Y/n: I love mission *smirk* and I'm ready
Jenny: ok! That fast

She come closer to Jenny

Y/n : whats the plane?
Jenny : to rob
Rose: omg!! I'm in

Rose is the best at thives

Jenny: and jisoo as a waitress, Lisa to play with a guy and take his key then jisoo will take it and give to rose,y/n will help rose and I will inform you the other afterwards

Y/n: what do you need to take ?

Jenny: the black diamond*smirk*
And if you need to kill then do it y/n

Y/n: killing is fun *smirk*

Jenny: it is a night club,so prepare for the night

Lisa: do you mean death club

Jenny: as you say sis

           ______skip>> night______

Jenny was out side, waiting us inside the car and infrom us everything through his some machine and CCTV

Jenny: ok bitches on your position
- saying through his secret ears phone

Jisoo: I hate noise and this brunches of idiots
- while walking through the dance hall and it was tight

Jenny: bae it wouldn't be long
- she chuckled while sawing jisoo action at his laptop


Lisa: why this guy can't drunk ,he drink 20 bottles now,..oh~fuck

Y/n : it's too long now and rose is sleeping ... idiots
-say to rose

Jenny: ok! Plan B , Lisa taste the guy,touch him and search for the key over his body

Lisa; on my mark

???: Bae what are you doing?
Lisa: touching you..
???: Oh..yeah! Touch me

-he enjoy himself and moan

Lisa through: your so fucking ugly...ewww~ I hate my self.
Oh~got it

Lisa : bae I will be right back

- she kiss his cheek before she left

Lisa: done..

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