Chapter 4

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Callisas Star System
The Empire of Callisas

"You really need to stop doing this Admiral." The voice was amused as a silent staff member poured a cup of coffee and began to mix in cream and sugar. "Running back to us like a child to their parent's skirts."

"I can try Your Majesty." The Admiral said politely, "I cannot offer any promises."

The monarch of The Empire of Callisas snorted in amusement and came to sit back down on the couch across from the Admiral. They took the coffee gratefully and sipped. "Do you want anything?"

"A glass of water will do fine."

The monarch nodded to the man, he diligently poured a glass of water and handed it to the Admiral with a small bow. He looked back at the monarch and they made a waving motion to dismiss him.

Admiral sipped politely on her water while the monarch savored their coffee. She didn't have much to say at the moment, she knew they had been surprised when the Admiral had shown up on their doorstep with a damaged ship and already dressed in the purple uniform of the Callisas Navy. Even now sitting here in this dark purple uniform with white stripes on the sleeves signifying her Admiral's rank, hair up in a tight braided bun, she looked liked she might of belonged in their navy. It was all just a cover of course. Callisas had been very.... supportive of her. They were the ones she trusted, as hard as that was to earn. They didn't openly claim her, but this empire was one of the ones she knew she could trust to repair her ship and not tell anyone.

"Now." They said, leaning back. "I know the yards told you it'd be about 3-4 weeks to repair the damage."

"That's an initial estimate. They may be overconfident, there's a lot more damage than you might first think." Admiral replied.

"Well, you are welcome to stay as long as you need, though I suspect you will draw some ire to us because of that whole business at the asteroid base." They mused. "I'm not trying to rush you out the door, it's just much easier to deny you are here when your ship isn't being repaired in our yards."

"Only logical of you." She replied, studying the fine sitting room in which they rested while the monarch took another long drink and think session.

After a couple minutes of silence the coffee was finished and mug placed down on the coffee table. "Well in the mean time you are here, I want to put you to some busy work, if you don't mind. I can have the treasurer get the usual pay to you."

"I'll take half this time considering the work your yard is about to put into my ship." Admiral cut in and they looked surprised but quickly nodded.

"Yes of course." They paused to gather their thoughts, undoubtedly caught very off-guard by the offer of a cheaper price for her work.

It amused her.

Finally they recovered enough to speak. "I don't need much from you, I want you check over our newest students in the Naval College, and maybe tour our newer designs. Just to hear an opinion on them."

"The half price isn't to give me half a job." Admiral pointed out.

"Its not." The monarch said, tossing a bit of a glare at her. "You came suddenly so I am using you as we need. I cannot generate more work for you." The Admiral actually gave a snort of amusement and the monarch's glare relaxed. "Anything special for this stay?"

"I do want to have dinner with Captain Fitzkeller when he is free."

"I believe you can handle that. I don't control the navy's schedule and he is his own person." They said as they stood.

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