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Author: yall really thought that was the end smh haha

Tia: wake up babe I have friends over

Y/n: uh hi

?: hi ugly

?: hi whore

Tia: bby this is Derek and josh.

Y/n: waterpark boy

Derek: tf

Josh: hi ugly

Y/n: yeah were gonna be friends

Mattia leaves for a sec..

Derek: listen whore leave my boy mattia alone!

Josh: fuking whore

Y/n: o-ok

Narrator: for 5 whole weeks josh and Derek bullied y/n she cut herself and cried and nobody noticed her nightmare came back but worse

Y/n: fuck I cant live anymore!!

Josh: hey stfu yes u can

Derek: sad how no one cares hahah

Y/n: can yall leave me tf alone please I was happy very but yall killed the vibe of that mfs

Josh: stfu we made ya life better bbg

Y/n: MATT-

Derek: stfu hoe

Josh: dont get daddy mad now!

Y/n: please can yall leave mattias house

Derek: hell no

Y/n: well can you at least hand me my razor?

Josh: hell no dumb bitch

Derek: no!

Y/n: fine I'll get it my self

Josh: no dont cut

Narrator: y/n cuts on her wrists deep and she blacks out and the 2 panic while screaming mattias name...


Josh: nun she just fell down!

Derek: what he said!

Narrator: they take her to the hospital and they say just for fun or depression

Mattia: but she was happy so much wait...josh and Derek...WTF DID YALL DO TO HER!

Josh: we just bullied her but we didnt know this would happen

Doctors: sir please calm down..

Mattia: they bullied her this has happened before!

Derek: sorry josh we got to leave..

Mattia: yeah leave mfs!

Doctors: sir your gf is awake....

Y/n: what happened¿

Mattia: I'll tell you later I'm so glad your awake princess ily

Y/n: I love you to tia but weres Josh and Derek¿¿

Tia: they went home...dont worry ab them

Y/n: okay oop my wrist hurts

Doctors: you guys can leave tomorrow:)

The next day....

Y/n: I'm ready

Tia: so like josh and Derek bullied you and you cut to deep I'm sorry I didn't notice or why didnt u tell me?

my bullies (nj boys)Where stories live. Discover now