chapter 1

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wooyoung woke up to the sound of his alarm and noticed that his phone was also ringing. it was around 7am so he turned off his alarm clock. he checked who it was calling him and noticed that it was seungmin.
(a/n: staytiny?!)


"hey dude, aren't you excited!!!!??"

"what am i supposed to be excited for?"

wooyoung said while rubbing his eyes and yawning.

"the dorms? we are moving in today?"

wooyoung hardly heard what the other was saying as he started falling back asleep. seungmin noticed and screamed at him.


with that said, seungmin hung up.
wooyoung shot back up hearing seungmin's voice.

"goodness, he's grouchy. why did seungmin say he is coming over again?"

he sat up in bed criss-cross and stared at the boxes and bags laying around his room. that's when his eyes got wide and he realized.


after suddenly becoming happier, wooyoung jumped in the shower while listening to his favorite music playlist. after getting out, he washed his face, put his clothes on and ran downstairs seeing his mom at the table.

"well, don't you look happy today"

"yeah, i can't wait to move into my dorm!"

his mom started to fake cry and wiped a "tear" away
"oh my gosh, you're growing up woo, i remember like it was yesterday when you-"

wooyoung came to his mom laughing and gave her a hug

"i'll be okay mom, i got into one of the best universities and i am going to be able to do something i will enjoy. plus, seungmin, jongho, and felix are going to be there!"

"ahhh okay okay."

she laughed and ruffled his hair.

"did you ever find out who your roommate was?"

"oh, yeah... i think his name is like san or something like that"
wooyoung smiled


wooyoung's cheeks got red. his mom and dad had always known about him being gay and when he came out to them a couple years ago, they didn't mind and were actually very proud and happy for him. his mom would occasionally tease him though if he ever had a crush. he was very lucky to have a family that supported him.

"no, mom. i haven't even met him yet. he could be mean or something?"
wooyoung thought what if he really is mean? what if he finds out i'm gay?
he quickly shook the thought out of his head as he didn't want to put himself in a bad mood.

"oh well, you won't know until you meet him. here have some breakfast!"

she gave him a bagel with some fruit along with a glass of orange juice.

"thank you mom!"

wooyoung ate his breakfast and then ran back upstairs to his bathroom to brush his teeth. he did not enjoy the taste from the orange juice along with mint toothpaste.
after brushing his teeth, he packed up his toothbrush and the last of his things then sat on his bed with his phone. the time read 8:03am.
seungmin should be here at any time, wooyoung thought.
he played around on his phone scrolling through social media and played a game.

at around 8:30am, seungmin finally arrived and came upstairs to wooyoung's room.

"what took you so long bro? you were supposed to be here like 30 minutes ago"

"well sorry but i decided to be NICE and buy us something to drink but if you want to act like that, i'll drink your hot
seungmin turned his head away from the younger to act mad.
wooyoung's eyes lit up.

"HOT CHOCOLATE?!?? i'm sorry, minnie!!! please forgive me!"

wooyoung pouted and walked over to look at seungmin in the eyes.


"fine, here you go dork"

seungmin handed him his hot chocolate while chuckling.
they talked for awhile and once they were done with their drinks, it was around 9:15am. they had to be at the school no later than 10:30am to get their keys for their dorms. lucky for them, wooyoung only lived about 20 minutes from the school.

"hey we should probably pack this stuff into the van."
seungmin said while looking around the younger's room.

"oh yeah, we can start on that haha"

wooyoung's parents came into his room to help start loading stuff downstairs so they could put it into the van. after about 10-15 minutes, they were done.

"wooyoung, what time is it?" seungmin asked.

"it's 9:27. should we leave now or in a couple minutes, mom?" wooyoung said after putting his phone back in his pocket.

"we could leave now so it won't be so hectic trying to get everything out of the van and so you can find your dorm." his dad said.

"okay, we shall go then"

with that said, seungmin, wooyoung, and his parents all hopped in the van and started driving towards the school.

a/n: i hope you liked the first chapter of CONFUSED! i'm out of school for a few more weeks due to the coronavirus 😣 so i will try my best to upload as much as possible. please stay healthy and happy everyone!!

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