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"Wake up sleepy head, who sleeps at this time knowing today is the first day of school," Alex said.
I wake up to see my brother dressed up for school so I jump out of bed. I rush to my bathhouse, take a quick bath put in my clothes and move out for breakfast.
"Such a lazy girl," my brother remarks. I have my breakfast quickly and the driver takes us to our new school.
The moment we reached school, we went to the administration office for our timetable. When we entered the smiling  secretary says, "welcome to Sunshine Academy". She showed us the principal's office, the principal was such a funny looking man he flashes us a smile and hands over our timetable and locker position.
We move out of his office and find out we are locker mates and we have the same classes, such luck. We were so lost trying to find our first class which is Bio." Hi, you new?" I'm Sarafina and this is my friend Dora, said one of the girl we just met." I'm Alexandrina and this is my brother Alexander, nice meeting you." "The pleasure is ours," Dora said." So what is your first lesson." "We have bio,"I said. "Oh that's cool Sarafina has that class too, we will show you guys around later because the first bell just went, "Dora said. We walked together but Dora branched at a corner in our right. We found two empty seats and sat in it. As if on cue the teacher entered and asked us to introduce ourselves.
We went in front and gave a simple introduction of ourselves.
The next thing she said is going "I'm going to pair you guys up for all projects and assignments for this year.""
Alex and I crossed our fingers and hoped we get paired. After pairing so many people I got paired with Donald Augustus, I was so disappointed and Alex got paired with Dora Filabat. At least he got paired with someone he knows. We all moved from our seats to sit with our new partners.
"Hi, I'm Donald"said a dark brown eyed boy with ebony black hair. "Would you like the back seat or front?" " Lets just seat near my twin," I responded.
We moved to seat in the desks in front of my brother and his partner. I felt much comfortable.
After seating with this guy who was so interested in talking which was really not giving me space to concentrate, my sweet brother just gave him a tap on the shoulder which made him shut up. I winked at him as a way of saying thanks.
The bell rang and class was finally over and we rushed out for the next class, which Dora showed us the way to and we agreed to meet at first break.

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