Meeting the clan

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Hiccups Pov

                  As I am watching the strange beings The leader suddenly stops then looks towards me, Then before I can comprehend what is going on he lunges towards me grabs me and pushes me into the ground, not enough to hurt just to bruise later. He glares at me then speaks.'Who are you and why were you spying on my clan, why are you so far from your village and why are you carrying  basket of fish this far from your home? He waits for me to answer. ' Um.. My name is Hiccup I am taking a walk through the forest when I heard something from the bushes and came to investigate as for why I'm carrying the fish I don't really want to say I don't know if you'll kill who the fish is for or not, and uh could you let me up please.'

Feruxs' Pov

               As I listen to the humans explanation I look into his eyes to see if he is telling the truth as I finish I see no lie so Iet him up slowly, Much to my clans chagrin. 'yes you may get up, and as for killing who the fish is for I doubt that seeing as my kind only attack those who are a threat to us.' he suddenly gains a curious glint in his eyes and asks me a question that seems strange, ' Um not to be rude or anything but just what are you guys i mean i've seen a lot of strange dragons before but you don't look like any dragon i've seen and I don't know any creatures with wings that look s human as you do, and a strange as it sounds even though I have never seen your kind before you look familiar and a very weird way'. I ponder his question for a moment before answering,' For the question of what me and my clan are we are Gargates or otherwise known as gargoyles we are a sentient race that has survived for many generations in clans around the world. as for the resemblance to your dragons both them and us share common ancestors while we are more humanoid in appearance while they are more reptilian. As for why we seem familiar to you I am not sure considering you have said you have never seen a gargoyle before. ' Now I believe you must leave as my clan cannot stay here anymore to be found by those you tell in your village, goodbye.

3rd Person

                As Ferux gets ready to have his clan leave hiccups speaks, 'Why do you have to go I won't tell anyone in my village if your here besides it's not like I can't keep a secret or that anyone would listen to me anyways'. As hiccup says that Ferux stops' What do you mean by they would not listen to you you are of their clan are you not and what of the leader of that village would they not listen to you, and what of this secret you have kept from them?' Hiccups speaks: it's like I said no one would listen to me if I said anything at my home Im the screw up most people Im my village are tall and strong and can lift most weapons to attack the dragons that raid us, as I can't do any of those things and since I'm not strong I'm shunned by basically everyone the only two who listen are the village elder and Gobber the weapon maker of the village. As for the leader he's my Father who again thinks I'm an Embarrassment to him. Hiccups speaks dejectedly, Ferux is stunned to him clan not welcoming one of their own for being different even the sire of the teen in front of him is appalling to him, the he speaks, 'You've been through much', He looks at Hiccup, ' Why don't I go with you to this village you live in and see for myself why you prefer the forest to what is supposed to be your home, that is if you can provide My clan with a place to take shelter while I have gone with you. Hiccups speaks 'Yeah I can do that just when we get there please don't hurt toothless he's kinda protective of me ok? 'Very well', Ok just follow me it's just a bit down this way, says hiccup pointing to the forest to where the cove is. As the clan Follows hiccup to where the cove is we start to see the rim of the cove where a medium sized black dragon is laying in the shadows listening to what he has not heard in years.

Feruxs' Pov

                       As my clan and I walk through the forest following the teen Hiccup we come to a cove where there is a clear lake and a group of trees by a cave and the area has signs of a dragons living there. 'Just down there'  Hiccup tells me I nod and we descend into the cove where Hiccups calls out the name Toothless and I see what I would not expect from a Viking Teen...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2020 ⏰

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