1-Cool Dude

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Recently, you had seen two monster-  more specifically two skeletons move into your neighbor hood. One tall {edgy} skeleton, and his rather short {but even edgier} and pudgy older brother. When ever you seemed to approach them, the rather cruel younger skeleton would pretend that he had no retaliation to the other once so ever. But you had heard his screams of terror, and pure anger when ever the other lazy skeleton hadn't done something correctly. Seems like he wouldn't pick up his. . .sock?? 

Needing a little extra cash in your pockets, you took open the position at the LIBABARY, moving past the incorrect name, you had been spending your meaningful days at your new part time job. Coincidentally, half way through your shift, the very tall and rather nervous skeleton from your neighborhood walked in, with a pair of sunglasses on. Who wears shades inside? He slowly approached you, he seemingly want to avoid walking up to you, but there was literally no other staff member.

"Ahem," He muttered into his clenched fist when he finally approached you. "Where do you keep your technical devices?" You had a complete shut down for a moment before you realized he was talking about the computers. You pointed at the computer station and gave him the directions to find it. After muttering a thank you under his breathe he went over, strictly following the route you gave him.

Almost half an hour had past, and your neighbor still has at the computer. A bit of courage, and curiosity peaked inside you, as you walked up behind him. Looking over his shoulder to see what he was doing, you expected to see him playing some browser game or even checking his social media. What he was doing was looking up, 'How to be cool' and clicking on a few wiki-how sites. After a moment of scanning through the articles, he then typed into the search bar, 'how to make friends' before quickly deleting it. "It's hopeless" he muttered before shutting down the computer. A pang of guilt shot through you for a moment before you decided that you would be his first friend.

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