Chapter 2: Class A

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Spring time finally came, and I'm primed for my new school uniform. That's right, I got accepted into the academy. My mom, her boyfriend, and my brother were so happy for me. Luckily, my older brother is entering this academy too.

"(Name)!" A voice hollered, and before I could turn around, somebody glomped me.

"We're in the same class." My vision cleared, seeing a bit of yellow.

"Kuro!" "And guess what? Nana-chan and Tomo-chan are also in our class too! This year's going to rule." I laughed at her optimism. Even though she may act more like a guy, she so much like her own gender when around close friends.

"The Saotome Academy entrance ceremony will now begin. A speech from the principal." ... Utter silence could be heard. I looked over at Kuro, who had a confused look on her face. Suddenly, a hardy laugh filled the concert hall.

"Those who know nothing of love shouldn't sing! Leave this place!" A voice beamed. Everyone looked all over the place, but soon all attention was directed to a tower nearby. Someone wearing a strange mask and one of those frilly things that men wore in court in the late 1600's along with a big cloak stood at that tower.

"Your heartbeat is the origin of music." He jumped off of the tower, and before falling face flat on the concrete, wires revealed themselves attached to the man.

"Yes, children. I am your principal, Shining Saotome!"

"Wait, this weirdo is our principal?" Kuro whispered in my ear.

"Apparently so... I think," skepticism filling my voice. He welcomed the students and put on quite a show that I found very entertaining.

Right now, Kuro and I met up with Haru-chan and Tomo-chan. We talked about what just happened at the ceremony.

"Well, whatever happens, let's hope that we make the years here count," I said.

"Hey!" A voice called. We all turned around to see the same red-head that helped Haru-chan out at the gates.

"It's you!" Haru-chan and I said in unison. The red-head walked up to us, smiling with pearly whites.

"Thank you for helping me those months ago... Um..."

"Otoya. Ittoki Otoya. What's your name?" Before either of us could respond, Tomo-chan butted in.

"Shibuya Tomochika. So you're Savior A, huh?"

"I'm Nanami Haruka."

"Name's Ichinose (name)."

"And I'm Nekozawa Kuroko, but call me Kuro."

"Ah, Haruka-chan and (name)-chan?" ...welp, that definitely pissed off Kuro and Tomo-chan.

"It's really cool that we have to same class toget-" Ittoki couldn't finish the sentence.

"Eli-za-be-th!" A voice hollered. We all looked up to see a blonde about to crash into Haru-chan. Before we could react, someone pulled Haru-chan out of there and pushed Ittoki into me. We both blushed due to the closeness, but the blonde finally landed, hugging both Ittoki and me.

"Oi, let me go!" Ittoki and I said in unison. The blonde jumped off but caused Ittoki and me to lose our balance and fall.

"Damn, that hurts." I regained my sight, only to see the red-head blushing like crazy. And I don't blame him. Our faces were only a few centimeters apart. I could feel his breath brushing against my lips.

"A-Ano, Ittoki-san, do you mind if you get off me?" You're kinda heavy."

"G-G-Gomenasai, (name)-chan!" He got off me pretty quickly. Kuro held out her hand and pulled me up.

"Nothing's broken, right?" I shook my head.

"What the hell was that for?" Tomo-chan asked.

"I'm sorry, but she looked so much like Elizabeth that I couldn't help it."

"I look like a foreigner?" Haru-chan questioned.

"No, Elizabeth is my dog."

"A DOG!?!" Tomo-chan, Kuro, Ittoki, and I said.

"Yes, my dog. By the way, my name is Shinomiya Natsuki. I like small and cute things." I looked over at the person who helped Haru-chan. A neatly cut, straight, dark blue hair and bright blue eyes. He has a small beauty mark under his right eye, as well as pale skin and rather long eyelashes.

"...Hijirikawa Masato." The "rescuer" said.

"Well, how about we call you guys Nacchan and Masa?"

"Nacchan? I like it. It's really cute." Natsuki smiled.

"Whatever." Masato gave us the cold shoulder, walking back to his seat. I was about to join the conversation that my friends were having, but something caught my ear: "what a noisy bunch." "Weirdos." "Gross."

...Whale then. Never knew everyone was a critic. But with these new friends in this class, one thing is for sure: this year definitely will rule.

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