Chapter 5: Gone

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+ Hector's (new character introduced in this chapter) photo is at the top for mobile users, to the side for computer users.

Enjoy! 😘


I heard the yell of Ronnie, as a bag covered my face.

"Ronnie! Ronnie please, help!" I yelled and I yelled, but it was hopeless. I felt depression take over all of my emotions when I heard the screams of pain and the whipping sound of bats hitting Ronnie. I couldn't bare it any longer; I fell into a million tears.

Who could this be... why Ronnie? Why me? Why us? Thoughts were running throughout my mind, and I just happened to hear my main captor's voice.

"Mission accomplished boys, did you kill him?"

Ronnie.. no, please not Ronnie...

"Yes, we made sure he doesn't take another breath."

"Good, good. Now what to do with her." I know this voice. It.. its so famil- Hector.

Yes, yes, of course! How could I not have noticed before... this just has to be him.

Hector had that raspy, scary voice to him. He was from Puerto Rico, and he was really mean, forreal. Me and him; we have a dark past, and it never goes away. But why capture me now?

Long story short, Hector's a leader in a gang, and he's killed people, hurt people, people I know.

I just hope Ronnie is safe...

My Ronnie...


I can barely breathe, and I feel I have broken some bones. No, maybe not broken, but hurt badly. You see, I'm not exactly awake right now. This is my conscious, I'm guessing.

Rhené... oh shit, Rhené! I have to find her, where ever she is. Those sons of bitches who took her will pay.


-A While Later..

I'm up. Finally. My bab-- best friend...she's just no where.. They took her away from me, and who knows where they're at. They probably killed her by now...

No, stop Ronnie... you need to find her...

I immediately text my boys.

-Text Convo: Including Sage, Derek, and Khayman~

R: Yo, Derek, I need you asap.

D: Wat up bruh, something go down?

R: I got jumped, top of tht, Rhené man...

D: Fuck man, ill be there. What happened to her??

R: She got

D: Come on man, spill it

R: she's gone..

Hey guys... Dont worry, next chapter is even crazier and weirder.

And we'll be introduced to Rhené's brother as well!

I already have the chapter ready, hehe.

Be prepared bruh...

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