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This was so weird, at five years old, holding who is supposedly your little brother. I looked down at him and smiled. So this was Rose's child. He was certainly beautiful like her, with her curls but he had dark brown hair, almost black. Rose and Greg chose him name to be Steven, so that's what I will address him as. Steven looked up at me and gave me his first real smile and grabbed a piece of my light pink hair. I giggled as he was holding on to it so tightly. Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl watched me as Steven and I bonded. "Do you like him Y/n?" Garnet asked softly. "He's beautiful like Rose was" I smiled down at Steven. "Yes He is" Garnet smiled, holding onto my hand. "Yeah he's pretty cute" Amethyst smiled. I looked over at Pearl and she said nothing, she was just watching the ocean. I stood up with Steven in my arms and walked towards her. "Pearl? Wanna hold?" I asked. "I suppose so" Pearl wiped her eyes and took Steven from me. Steven grabbed Pearl's nose and Pearl smiled. "See! He likes you!" I smiled. "I guess he does" Pearl sat down on the step in front of the warp pad with Steven and tears began to trickle down her face. "Pearly?" I asked, sitting down beside her. "I'm fine, it's just- I miss her so much" Pearl said. "Pearl. We will miss Rose too but we need to stay strong. You need to stay strong. For Rose. For Steven. For us" Garnet said, sitting down next to Pearl. "Yeah, we gotta take care of him now" Amethyst said, sitting beside me. Pearl put her arm around me and Garnet and Amethyst put their arm around Pearl.

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