Imagine: Until You're Mine

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*self harm warning* 

the year is 2010

You decided to come with Demi to the studio where you didn't know that the Jonas Brothers would be there too, you aren't a celebrity - you're known as one of Demi's close friends. You've always had a crush on Demi, you always say to yourself that Demi is just a friend - a best friend, but you want her as more. You were always back and forth with your sexuality, you knew deep down you are bisexual, you never acted on it though. Selena would always catch you looking at Demi, she confronted you about it and that led to Selena and Demi not being friends. Demi broke the friendship between her and Selena because she thought Selena was being an asshole to you. Nick Jonas also knows because you accidentally told him one night at his house. 

You sat on the couch on your phone texting Miley Cyrus, you two had become close as the months went on while Demi was resting her head on your shoulder. Nick just got done with his part of the song, "Ok, Demi. What should the next lyrics be?" Nick questioned Demi. "What about 'We all belong right here together'?" Nick nods excitedly as he writes that down. Joe comes back into the studio, he throws attitude at you. "Y/N, can I have my girlfriend back?" He scoffs and sits next to Demi, he pulls her to his side. You and Nick look at each other then proceed to roll your eyes at Joe. Joe starts an argue with Demi, they argue constantly. Nick and I have to hear all the bullshit Joe starts that Demi tells us. 

I can see that Nick is so fed up with Joe starting the arguments. "JOE!" Nick shouts. "What?" Joe rolls his eyes. "Stop the fucking arguing with Demi, it's annoying as hell. Y/N and I hear all the bullshit you say - Demi tells us all the time." Joe rolls his eyes again, "Joe. I'm fucking fed up with it too, stop fucking controlling me. I don't deserve you, we're done. Goodbye, Joe..." Demi grabs her bag and walks out of the studio. Joe looks shocked, I don't think he knew what he did until now. Joe follows Demi out the door, I follow them just to make sure Demi's okay. 

I peek around the corner so they don't see me. "Joe, leave me the fuck alone. I don't want to talk to you right now." Joe pleads for her to take him back, after she keeps denying him. Joe storms off coming my direction which is where the studio door is. Joe walks past me, slams the door shut. I see Demi rush into the ladies restroom. She slams the stall shut as she cries. I know she hides her razorblades. "Demi? It's Y/N. Are you okay?" She cries harder. "Let me in... please." Demi unlocks the stall, I open the door. She's on the ground holding a razor to her wrist. 

I sit next to her on the bathroom floor, I grab the razor before she can do anything. I chuck it into the toilet, Demi lays her head on my shoulder while wrapping her arms around my arm. I sneak my arm out of her grasp, I wrap my arms around her. She does the same to me. She sobs into my chest, her tears running down into my bra. That's weird, but I don't care. She lifts her head, we make eye contact before sliding my hands onto her waist. I lean in - I kiss my best friend. She kisses back almost instantly. I taste her salty tears, I pull away after a few kisses. I use my thumbs to wipe away her tears. "I know this isn't the right time. I'm sorry." She shakes her head, "I've always wanted to do that, Joe was a controlling fuck." I peck her nose. "Demi, I'm bisexual." She smiles softly, "I am too." 

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