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The course of true love never did run smooth.(William Shakespeare)

After that crazy day I fell into deep sleep, like I never slept for Hundred of years, then I heard this loud sound, it tuns out to be my clock and it reads 8:36. OMG!!!! i panicked, because I am really really late to class. My heart is beating. First I was about to run out of the bed, then my body twisted  over the bed and next thing I know is I am on the floor. I dressed up really quick, brushed my teeth, fell from the stairs  run out of the door like I thought I was Flash and that I can run really fast. Half way to the math department, I remembered that I forgot Omar's Umbrella that he gave to me when It was raining, so I was like do I go back and get the umbrella or go the class, of cource i went to class.

Just to be clear, I was late about 30 minutes, I walked in the class, and everyone looked at me like I was a monster, that's because my makeup was all over my face. I put my books on the desk really loud and said " don't you dare say something about my face, cause you don't know how morning started. Someone in the back of the classroom, said really loud "Is not Halloween yet", well, that of cource hurt my feelings but I looked really cool, for a monster that was just born.( I will make sure To kill That guy Who said my Face was looked ugly)

The bell went off and it was time to leave, Omar came up to me and said "hey, I don't think you remember my name but can you help  me do the last graph, and I really didn't take notes". I was like WoW, How come, you the nerd kid in the school couldn't do the pair calculus. I don't think he needs help, And is just weird, out of nowhere he is nice to me.

I don't attract attention as Asma does, she is pretty and she is famous volleyball captain, and she is a party girl, I really don't know how me and her became best friends and also she was really popular in high school, me  I am opposite  of her. Well, some people thought that i was really good soccer player, I have 2 district and 1 regional championship. And I wouldn't be popular cause I was dork and nerd, except the football quarter back guy liked me cause I would help him with math.One day he said to me " you are a brilliant girl, any guy would love to have you as girlfriend", he was really sweet and he was  the best person in our school. You expect football  dude to be mean but he was nice.( we were just friends)

I was done for the day, my face looked ugly and everybody thought i looked crazy and weird too. The only ADJ that describes me is weird and dork, well a Lot people in my class make analogy of some person in the future that I will be. 

At the end of the, I was getting ready to go my dorm and Like do my home work and sleep. I did that, just when I was about to go to bed, I heard a really loud knock on my door.I am really scared so I grabbed a bat and the Umbrella, and I closely looked at the window, thank god it was Asma. Her face was full of  fear and her make up was all over her face, her tears were falling like rain drops. she was crying really bad. I told her to please tell me what was wrong, she looked like her parents were killed in front of her , Her face was plain, she lost her beauty, her face is darken, her lips were not red-which is rare time, she is always wearing lip gloss.

To be honest with you, first I thought she was pregnant, but I know that she wouldn't have sex before marriage. That was not why she was scared and crying, she said " I am leaving to Sudia Arabia, next year to meet my future husband" she cried about half an hour then she said" i don't want to get married becasue right now and hey I don't even like Arabic boys that much". I want to become Volleyball Player and win win olympic medal. I don't want to waste my life watching kids I want to become someone".  

she fainted on the couch, Now her lips were blue, I did the SPR on her, but she wouldn't breath, I called the campass Docter, he came in right away. He said, we have to get her in hosbital, after an hour they said she is fine. But we went to let you know that your friend took drug that made her look dead.

I was in shock, I could not believe my BFF would do anything like that, And I am not sure if she is safe any more. You see, when you push people out of their limits they will do anything, even if it has to be taking their lives.

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