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"Emma and Hailey it's time to get ready for school!" I tell my twin daughters as I wake them up.

They both respond by yawning.

"Breakfast is on the counter. Now hurry and get dressed, you don't want to be late for your first day at foxfire." I tell them in my motherly voice.

I walk downstairs to find Fitz sitting at our table, drinking a cup of milk while reading a newspaper.

"Fitz, can you go wake up Stewart? If he doesn't wake up now, he's going to be late for his first day of his level twos." I tell my husband sweetly.

"Of course, my love." Fitz responds with a quick peck on the lips.

Soon all three of my children came downstairs. They each gobble up their breakfasts. Fitz makes them their lunches and hands them each their own.

"Mom, do we have to start school?" Hailey asks me.

"Yes, it's very important to have a good education." I respond.

Hailey and Emma are identical twins. They have light brown hair, and brown eyes with flecks of teal. On the other hand, Stewart is a year older than them. He has light blond hair, and vibrant teal eyes.

A ring of the doorbell interrupts my thoughts. Stewart quickly rushes to open the door. Biana and her husband Tam come in with their two children, Addie and Emmet.

"Aunt Biana, uncle Tam!!" Stewart shouts with excitement.

All of my children rush to go see their cousins.

"Come on everybody. If we don't leave now, we're going to be late." I remind them. 

We all leap to foxfire and everybody takes off to go find their lockers. Fitz and I go find our classroom where we are telepathy mentors.

"Are you ready for a new year?" Fitz transmits to me.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I respond with a quick peck on his lips.

As we walk to our classroom, I can't help but smile. My life and family is finally complete. I can always find joy in any situation as long as Fitz is by my side.


Thank you so much for reading my story!! I can't believe that even one person read this! You guys are truly amazing!!!! If you liked this story make sure to vote and comment!! :)

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