Consequences Of My Actions pt.2

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This chapter is dedicated to PARobbins because her comment on the last chapter influenced this chapter. So thanks lovey for the idea.


It must have been the adrenaline from earlier pumping through my veins because as soon as we got in the house and Nicole slammed the door and raised her hand to punch me, I kicked her right in the stomach. She didn't like that so she grabbed my leg and dragged me to the floor where she climbed on top of me and started beating the shit out of me. As weak and in pain I was Kadens words from our last conversation echoed in my head and that's when I got the strength tp fight back.

Her fist was about to hit my face but I dodged it causing her to punch the hardwood floor. I took that to my advantage and with all my strength I pushed her off me. I got up and grabbed her by her hair.

"Let go of my hair you stupid bitch!" she yells scratching at my hands trying to get me to let go.

Flashbacks of her grabbing my hair and dragging me down the hallway flash through my head and I decide to do her like she does me, time for her to feel my pain. I drag her by her hair around the living room while she continues to kick and scream just like I do when she hurts me. I let go of her hair and look around the living room to the spot where she pushed me into the glass table and immediately become angry. I kick her.

"How does it feel" kick "huh Nicole?" Kick "doesnt" kick "feel" kick "good" kick "at all" kick "huh?" I stop kicking her and turn her on her back facing me then I sit on her and slap her. Tears start to fall from my eyes as I realize I don't like this person I am right now,.I dont want to be like her.

I look at her bloody face and pour my heart out to her hoping she will finally see my pain and understand how much her actions hurt me.

"You cause me so much pain. Everyday I have to wake up with bruises, cuts and scrapes all over my body, busted lips,, or sometimes in the hospital. Do you not see that your actions have caused me so much pain both phisically and emotionally? Because of you I dont trust anyone, because of you im constantly paranoid and, because of you im constantly walking on eggshells because im afraid that if I say or do the wrong thing your going to beat the shit out of me. Your supposed to be my mother not this monster im always afraid of." I cry. She laughs at me and spits in my face. In that moment I realize that my mother that I once loved is gone, she's now Nicole the abusive drunk.

" Get the fuck off of me and get your shit and leave my house, you pathetic piece of shit." She pushes me off of her and goes to the kitchen. I say nothing and go up to my room and pack my belongings.

Once I've filled up my two huge suitcases and my Nike duffle bag with all my clothes, shoes, pictures, and personal belongings I sit on my.bed and call Adriana.

I call her four times and each time she ignores my call. I sigh and call my dad. He answers the second time I call.


"Yes who's this?" Really? He doesn't even know his own daughters voice. I knew calling him would be a bad Idea.

"It's Mahkenzey dad."

"Oh hey honey how are you? You sound sad."

"Im okay. Can I come stay with you?"

"Um... Sure but for how long?"

"I dont know maybe for good or atleast until I find somewhere else to stay."

"You can stay however long you like I just have to let Cindy.know your coming." Cindy is my dads new wife, she's nice so she shouldn't have a problem with me staying.

"Okay, can I come now?"

" yes but no ones home so take the key from the flower pot and let yourself in."

"Okay thanks dad."

"No problem but I have to go so I'll see you when I get home."

"Okay." We both hang up. I grab my suitcases and throw my duffle bag over my shoulder,.I take one last look at my room and remember the good times but then cry when I remember the bad times. I sigh to myself and make my way downstairs where I see Nicole sitting on the couch with a cigarette and a bottle of vodka in her hands.

"Don't come back you little ungrateful bitch." She says taking a swig of her toxic heaven. I ignore her and walk out the house leaving my abusive life behind me.


It's bad enough to be sitting on the bus with alot of luggage, but when you have luggage and you look how I do right now it's really bad. I basically look like the walking dead with my black eye, busted lip, blood on my grey sweater, and my hair all over the place. Im surprised they even let me on here looking like this. I put my headphones in ignoring everyones curious stares and let the music take me away from my fucked up life. I swear music is the best remedy for when your feeling worthless.

I finally reach my stop and walk the three blocks to my dads house where I grab the key and let myself in. It feels strange letting myself into a house that isn't the one I shared with Nicole. I brush away thoughts of Nicole and find the guest room where I unpack my things then collapse on the bed feeling extremely exhausted.

Today was a long day. I just hope tomorrow is better.


While writing this im watching a movie called The Ryan White story and Omg this movie is breaking my heart. I really don't get how people can be so cruel to a child who got AIDS unwillingly, and to deny him his education because of his disease is just cruel. Ugh! Ignorant people are just disgusting, It's like do the necessary research and get all the facts about something before you judge a person for something that's completely out of their control, especially a child. It's like I get that parents worry for their childrens safety and all but when someone (doctors) are constantly telling you that the disease isn't airborne and you cant get it by shaking someones hand, hugging, using the same bathroom, standing next to a person with AIDS, etc. then why make a huge fuss over it??

Sorry for the rant but things like that just really piss me off.

So If you haven't seen this movie then you need to watch it like now...

Its past my bedtime lol so dont forget to:

Vote,comment,and fan :D

Until next time Too-a-loo Lovies :*

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