Chapter 1

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Khai's life was pretty perfect in a bystander's perspective. He had friends, two parents (though divorced), a nice home, and chawee... Not only was he wealthy, but he also had a good support system. Khai wouldn't deny this - he was very lucky. However, sometimes it felt like he was just going through the motions of life. Get up, get ready for school, pretend like you're paying attention in class...It's not that Khai was ungrateful, everything just felt so repetitive and unchanging. That was until Third entered his life one day.

"Khai! What are you day dreaming about this time? I was talking to you!" Two whined.

"Oh sorry, got bored" Khai shrugged.

"What? He was just being honest" Bone shrugged when Two looked in his direction hoping for some back up.

"Wow...nice friends I got. If only you two weren't thinking about girls 24/7 maybe I'd get some respect around here!"

"Don't act like you're any different from us" Bone rolled his eyes. Khai didn't even put any effort in engaging in this conversation. The truth was, Khai didn't even like girls. Due to his popularity, however, his friends always assumed he was straight. Khai wasn't hiding the fact he was gay, it's just that he didn't really feel a need to explain himself either so he just let them think whatever they wanted. He didn't have the energy.

"Will you three be quiet?" The teacher asked in an exasperated tone, "it's always you three isn't it?"

"I barely even said anything this time" Khai threw his hands up, "but uh yeah, shouldn't have said anything. Sorry" Khai laughed awkwardly when he was met with the teacher's fierce glare.

"Good one" Bone said sarcastically as Khai shoved him before resting his head on the desk in boredom.

"Anyways...we have a new student coming today. He should be here any minute so behave. Everyone."

"Uh...hi is this the right class?" Khai heard a soft voice ask awkwardly. He was much too comfortable in his current position and he honestly couldn't care less so he didn't feel a need to look up.

"Oh yes, you must be the new student" the teacher suddenly took on a much sweeter tone, "can you introduce yourself to the class?"

"Um...I'm Third" the boy said, silence ensuing the room for a moment after.

"And...? That's all you're going to say? Tell us your interests, something other than just your name" the teacher said causing laughter to erupt in the classroom. This caught Khai's attention causing him to look at the boy for the first time. The boy didn't turn red or anything like Khai thought he would. In fact, he didn't seem to feel anything at all. There was something so intense about the stranger's eyes and it immediately enthralled Khai.

"I'm a film major so I like movies and writing" Third answered simply.

"Okay, I'm sure you'll get along with everyone in here well can sit in the empty seat over there" she gestured to the seat directly in front of Khai's, "maybe you can get them to shut up once in a while too."

"Hey! Third right?" Two smiled seeing his new seat partner make his way over, "My name's Two! Isn't that funny? You're Third and I'm Two! I think that's a good sign! We'll be like two peas in a pod as they say!" Third didn't look too amused.

"Mm. Nice to meet you" Third said as he sat down causing Two to laugh awkwardly at the lack of reciprocated excitement. Looks like he's tired too, Khai observed seeing him rest his head on the desk.


"What kind of bread is this?" Khai rolled his eyes hearing the familiar voice. The teacher had stepped out of the classroom and the school bully was at it again.

My Missing Piece (Theory of Love) (KhaiThird/OffGun)Where stories live. Discover now