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Noah offered to sit by the garden when I calmed myself down. 

"Aren't you supposed to be working?" I asked as we sat down by the bench, facing the castle.

He shrugged. "I finished my part anyway. So, care to explain why you were crying in the hallway?"

I sighed then brushed my hair. "I can't. Well, I- I'm just getting tired and confused that's all." I excused.

I can't tell Noah what's happening between me and Angelo. I don't know if I can trust him already, but I have this feeling that I already do. Noah became so attached to me already, I can't seem to hate him anymore. My family likes him, even Althea likes him. I owe him my life.

He leaned against his back, "If I were you, I'd just escape the castle for a while and go out, you know."

I giggled. That is such a 'Noah' thing to do.

"Hey, I haven't asked you. What's your full name?" He suddenly asked.

"Ruthyelia Celeste Nobingale. Well, Nobingale of Rinovea, if I may add."

He chuckled. "That is one long name."

"How about you?" I then asked.

"Noah Brixton Wells."

I looked at him. He had a pretty name, but 'Wells'? I haven't heard of that family. Maybe because he was from the United States? Although we do meet some officials from the United States from time to time.

"You look shocked." He teased.

I cleared my throat. "I- uh- You have a very unique last name, that's all."

"My uncle said my Mom left me when I was 2. I lived with my Grandmother at first, finishing my studies. When I can finally leave, my grandmother let me travel here to live with my Uncle."

I was quiet. I didn't know about Noah's family, he really didn't mention it before.

"I'm sorry about that." I softly said.

"It's okay. It's been a long time anyway. I just kinda wish I'll meet my Mom before I get older."

We just talked for a few minutes, resting at the same time. I felt relieved he saw me at the hallway and now we're talking freely here. I feel refreshed for having even minutes of break from all of this.

"Hey, say this, after we visit your new bakery, do you want me to look for your Mother?" I suggested.

Suddenly, he was quiet. He stopped talking then thought for a while.

"I can't let you do that. You've already done a lot for me." He muttered.

"Don't worry about it! You saved me! I'm going to be thanking you all my life.

He chuckled. "I wish I'd still be here to see you live your life."

My heart stopped for a second. Do I want him to stay here? Will I want him to stay here?

I cleared my throat. "I can't see why not?" He smiled at me.

A little later, Sir Saint came towards us. 

"Excuse me, Your Highness, but Noah is needed in the kitchen."

Noah stood then bowed. "It was nice having a chat with you, Your Highness."

I giggled then waved. "Thanks, Noah."

When he left, I sighed. Its back to normal, I guess.

"Your Highness?" Saint called when I stood.

"Yes, Sir Saint?" I faced him.

"Are you alright?"

That's when I remembered what happened again. I tried not to cry but it was hard keeping it by myself. I had to look down and take a couple of breaths before facing Saint.

"I will be." I said with a smile.

He sighed. "If you ever think its too much, don't hesitate to come and talk to me."


"Is that all, Lady Shine?" I asked as I sign the last paper in my desk in the Women's Room.

Lady Shine gathered the papers then placed it in the royal folder. "Yes, Your Highness. Thank you very much." She said with a light bow.

"Very well."

As I stood, I heard some commotion outside. I looked through the window behind me and saw that my Dad, King Ricardo and Althea were by the bench, watching Thomas who was now having a sword practice.

"What in the world-"

When I looked closer, I noticed that he was practicing with Angelo. They were using wooden swords and they both removed their coats that were placed by the fountain.

"Oh my gosh...." I whispered as I went out the Women's Room to go out as well.

"Sir Angelo is one of our best swordsman in the palace. The guards are permitted to use both guns and swords when they are promoted. He and Sir Saint have been with us for over 2 years. They were Ruthy's attendants when they first got here, but I appointed them as official guards a year later." I heard Dad explain to King Ricardo as I enter the garden.

I observed Thomas and Angelo. Thomas has the skills since he was being constantly trained by King Ricardo in Wierxia. Angelo was even more skilled. He was already a warrior before he got here. He was a soldier in his country for a year and he was one of the greatest.

They didn't seem to be getting tired or swayed. They both have good offenses and defenses, but it looks like Angelo was being too carried away. He continued to attack and dash forward to Thomas who was constantly blocking him.

"Ruthy! Over here!" I heard Althea called.


When I turned, I saw that Thomas was now sitting on the ground, holding his face. They both were looking at me and Angelo was panting.

"Thomas!" I called.

Angelo immediately dropped the sword then bowed. "My apologies, Your Highness, Your Majesties. I got carried away."

King Ricardo patted his shoulder. "You did good, soldier. My son needs to be trained to be able to protect his family."

"Are you okay?" I kneeled then held his chin.

He chuckled. "I'm fine. I guess I got a little distracted when I heard Althea call your name."

He stood then tapped Angelo's shoulder.

"Forgive me, Your Highness." Angelo said.

"No worries, Sir Angelo. It was partly my fault for being distracted."

I looked at Angelo and he was averting my gaze. He's clearly pretending I'm not here. Fine. Let's see who can play by the game longer.

"Guess you're not yet strong enough." Althea teased.

Thomas laughed. "I guess I have my weakness." He said then looked at me.

I giggled. I looked at his face and saw that he had a scratch on his cheek.

"Should I take you to the hospital wing? You have a scratch." I said then pointed at his cheek.

"Yes, dear, please. Sir Angelo, can you accompany the both of them?" Dad said.

I froze. Please, Dad. It's probably not the best decision to keep the three of us together.

"It's okay. I can manage. Besides, you want the two of us to get to know each other, right?" I resisted. I made my voice sound casual and relaxed. I can't let them know I panicked for a moment there.

I noticed Althea smirk.

"Very well, if you insist. Sir Angelo, you are dismissed."

The three of us went inside together, with Thomas behind me, following my steps. Before we were about to change paths, I looked back at Angelo.

And I swear, I saw him look at us too.

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