Scrambling to Explain the Unexplainable

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Pudding was a gift from the head of the Gnocchi manor, given to the estate after our success in eliminating a corupt family member.

That mission in particular especially disgusted Trish. How awful of a person do you have to be to formulate a plan to kidnap your own daughter and sell her off to "who knows where" for marriage money?

She felt for the poor girl. Family can be so... cruel.

Pudding's attention was supposed to be towards being the primary guardian for the gang, however...

Mista and Fugo had agreed to take the reins on the training her on her first day here.

"Her role was to protect the front of the estate...What on earth is she doing here, all the way back towards giorno's study?", Trish wondered aloud.

"Had she really outdone Fugo and Mista already?"

At the thought of that scene, something began to eat at her conscious.


She completely forgotten about his favor for requesting about the "crazy shit" going on in the Sicillian territory!

"Oh, Giorno!!" she exclamed, springing forward.

His jade colored eyes flew open at her sudden urgency.

Out into the hallway, two familiar voices could be heard, panting and arguing.

"If only you payed attention, this always happens!!!"

The angered voice let out a frustrated sigh. "go check the study, I'll check the second level."

"Don't only blame me Fugo, YOU were supposed to let her relieve herself on-!"

Mista's rant seemed to cut off immediately once he entered the doorway as his eyes were now laying upon two people.

"What the?...!!"

Mista's eyes slowly slid across  Giorno... and then at Trish... and back to Giorno... then returning to Trish.

Giorno's expression remained in the same wide eyed state.

"I- I!!... Giorno! Trish!! I didn't mean to..!! Um! I'm so sorry!!

"What was mista going on about??" Trish asked herself with uncertainty.

She felt a single strand of hair tickle the brim of her shoulder.

Oh right, she remembered that she had given her hair pin to Giorno in order to use it against their so called "attacker," and there it was, still safely in his grip.

Thank goodness for that too. She cherished that pin as a memorabilia to her mother who bought it for her. There was only one other person in the world besides herself who she entrusted to merely handle it.

She should remember to ask for it back soon, preferring not to have her hair seen undone without it being comed out and pressed first.

"Wait..." Trish said beginning to piece the unfortunate puzzle together.

'...Giorno's holding...'

She ran her fingers through her hair. It was indeed undone.

And they were in his study towards the back of the estate.



"I WON'T TELL ANYONE YOU WERE MAKING OUT ON THE JOB I SWEAR!" Mista said, now nearly screaming.

"Mista you are misunderstanding!!" Trish screamed in return, scrambling to explain the unexplainable.

"It really wasn't THAT at all..!!" "We-"

"Actually, Trish was just going to tell me about your request for an observation seen in Sicily", Giorno calmly intervened.

"I'm more than happy to grant you and your team with the permission, Mista."


"Alright!!" Mista said in accomplishment. His tone had already shifted from sheer panic to joyous, gleaming determination.

" That makes it our sixth mission for the new guy I added." " What a treat!"

Mista then paused.


" You sure I wasn't interrupting something.... uhhm... ya know,  important?"

"Well, Pudding came in as we were preparing to discuss the matter."

"Oh so she's here. Yeah,  really sorry about that. Training was going GREAT until I left her with Fugo."

Mista whistled for the dog who came prancing out from under the desk.

"See you later Trish, Boss."

Trish was holding her breath until she could no longer hear Mista's heels and the sound of dog paws trickling away from them.

She let herself release a huge sigh of relief.

Even if they were making out to their hearts content right then and now, which she found no shame in doing, she would've at least been courteous enough not to sabotage their reputation by being caught off guard in the moment like that.

That being said, If anyone were to happen to find her and Giorno doing anything of the sort, she sure  knew Mista could keep it to himself until the ultimate end. She entrusted him with her life all of those years ago anyways.

"So, you knew about that already then..?" Trish finally asked, greatful that the mayhem somehow resolved itself due to Giorno's quick thinking.

"In truth, I didn't know that you were intending on asking me personally about it, but I had already recieved a tip from one of the Capos near the area."

" In fact, the documents I was signing off on were directly connected to that."

" I see."

"Mista was definitely right to make a request. The situation in Sicily is very severe, Trish."

"That is why I must go along with the team as well."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2020 ⏰

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