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mister nosy:
when i ft you, answer


mister nosy:
you don't have to show your
face, but please answer it

mister nosy:
i'll even pay or whatever

mister nosy:
just act normal and tALK


mister nosy
incoming facetime...
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kevin was relieved once jacob answered. jacob didn't show his face but the top of his head. it seemed to kevin that he was wearing a navy blue hoodie and his hair stuck out.

blond hair, huh?

Kevin didn't really show his face either, but more of his upper side. Kevin was also wearing a (grey)hoodie but with a big black jacket over it, and a hat. Only thing that was in frame was kevin's background, his shoulder and a little of his head, but his hood covered it. It was night time for Kevin and he was outside, walking.

Jacob started talking as Kevin instructed him to do so.

"Did you know that boyfriends tend to do more housework than husbands? Yeah, that's something to think about" Jacob giggled as he began saying random things.

Kevin smiled slightly. "That's crazy." But his voice, fragile, sounding a little shaky like if he was nervous.

Even if jacob wasn't really in the frame, he could still see Kevin's frame clearly. He noticed something behind him, a few feet away. It sent chills down Jacob's spine and eyes widen.

He assumed Kevin did not have his earphones plugged in, so he didn't want to say anything about what he saw. He could tell that Kevin was paranoid because of how the camera moved as he walked: it shaked, and the older could see Kevin turn his head slightly to the opposite way of the frame.

"It wouldn't be so bad if we tried that." Jacob smirked, even if Kevin couldn't see it.

Kevin replied, "Hmm yeah" sounding as if he wasn't paying attention to what Jacob was saying.

Suddenly Jacob's screen said Paused.

Kevin panicked a little and Jacob began talking again.

"I can see you from my house. I'll be out there soon!"

Kevin was confused but went along, "Okay.."

Ruffling was heard on Jacob's end, as well as Jacob walking in slippers and doors opening and closing.

Kevin gulped and turned his head, slowly.

"Are they gone?" Jacob said in a worried soft tone.

Kevin cleared his throat, "oh thank god you saw it, too. and yeah they are." Kevin sighed and kept walking, a little faster so he can get to his house quicker.

| it snowing and it's march..
+ was this chapter bad? it was
heard for me to write because
im not that good at righting scenes
like these, i never really wrote
this type of stuff lol.. any tips anyone
wants to offer? :) |

provoked scenario ; moonbae [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now