T W E N T Y - S I X

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I suddenly awoke from my sleep to hear what sounded like... rustling?

I picked up my phone. It was 4am.. who in the world is awake right now?

I quietly groaned, then started to follow the sounds.

I walked into the kitchen to find... Cady?

"Cady!" I whisper yelled.

She jumped, then turned to look at me with wide eyes. "Oh my gosh, you scared me." She breathed.

"Hahah.. but what are you doing up? It's 4am." I walk over to her.

"Uhh..." Cady bites her lip. "Getting these kalteen bars."

I notice a box with a bunch of kalteen bars in it. "Uh... Cady, why do you have that much?" I furrow my eyebrows at her. "You know those make you gain weight."

"Uhhh... yeah!" Cady nervously nods. "The Plastics wanted them.."

"Why? That makes no sense." I started to bite my nails.

"Uh — I dunno! I just brought one to school the other day and they asked if they could have some." Cady started to nervously shift her feet.

"Uhmm... okay." I cross my arms, then slowly nod. "They do know about the weight thing though, right?"

"Uh- no. B-but I'll tell them!" Cady says, picking the box up.

Was Cady still sabotaging Regina? I quietly groaned. Will I have to tell her the truth? But that will get Cady kicked out of the Plastics...

"I'll help you carry it to school, ok?" I pick up the other side of the box.

Cady nods. "Thanks, Y/N."

We both carry the box to the living room, next to Cady's backpack.

"Now what?" I tilt my head at Cady.

"That's pretty much it." Cady runs her fingers through her hair.

"Oh, ok." I pause. "Now, excuse me while I get as much sleep as I possibly can.. oh, and don't wake me up this time." I poked Cady's arm.

"Ok, ok." Cady sleepily smiles at me.

I walk back to my room, then get under the covers.

What was I going to do? Tell Regina? Or just let it happen? Ugh... either way... someone gets hurt.

JOVIJDOHDOHFHDISG yay a chapter brought to you by no school woooo.👏👏

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