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It hadn't even been a week since Changbin had sent his last letter. He was wondering if he was just annoying his darling Felix.

He walked down the hallway to his dorm that he shared with Mingi. Each door looking the same except for the bronze plate that had the dorm numbers on it.

He stopped at his dorm, 1117. He noticed a package at his feet. He saw his name clearly printed on the front of the cardboard box, but not from who sent it. It was strange, he knew he didn't order anything and as if he had the money for that, he was a broke university student after all.

Nonetheless he picked up the box and unlocked the oak door. He made a v-line for his room and opened the box out of pure curiosity.

Letters, his letters filled the inside. But they changed, they had something different about them.

Hey, Felix,
I how's school going? I rather you here
God I sound like an adult.
Anyways, you don't know how much I've missed you since grad.
I'm officially paying taxes and being an adult.
I already hate it,
So enjoy your time while you have it.
If I could, I'd tell that to every kid I see.

Anyways, hopefully I'll see you soon.

I wish I could see you everyday,
Just like how it used to be, Yeah
It was so amazing to see someone so beautiful everyday.
I wish I had you with me everyday, Me too
Just like how it used to be.
I wish I could still hear your voice,
I wish you were here with me, All I want is you here
I wish you the best of luck,
Even though you're probably doing just fine without me. But missing you hurts
You know what hurts? Missing you?
When you think of someone but you know damn well they ain't thinking about you,
That hurts so much. That does
Do you think of me? Yes, all the time
Because I know I think about you.
I wish you'd understand that you're the most beautiful person I've ever seen,
That's why I based a character off of you,
So I'd never forget.

I wish you the best of luck,

Dear Felix,
I had this girl come up to me and ask for my number, What a bitch
It felt weird to say I was gay instead of you immediately coming to the rescue, I would've helped
Guess I just really miss you,
But I mean I shouldn't be so emotionally attached to you,
You're just a friend,
A friend,
A good friend who's always down help me out of situations that I can't do alone. I guess

I keep getting told that my letters are getting "lost",
It's a shame,
I sometimes wonder what you're reaction to these would be,
Especially knowing that they're from a lovesick guy who can't do anything for himself. Wait no-

Miss you,

Dear Felix,

I hope that life is treating you well,
Because if it's not I might have to beat someone up, Aww
I hope that Mother Nature isn't going through a breakup and is being all emotional for you,
Because she sure is here,
One day it was hot,
Then the next was cold and snowing the entire day,
She really needs to calm down. Ikr
Guess you could say she's being dramatic.
I hope you're happy, I want you to be happy too
I hope that you've gained some new friends,
I hope that your time without me there is going great.

I hope you're okay,

Dear Felix,

You know when you just feel so alone,
But you're always surrounded by others? Yes, all the time
That's me whenever you're not there, I feel the same
Because you always seem to lighten up the dark room,
You make awkward situations better,
You were always so understanding to me,
You never gave me shit for my stupid decisions,
You always supported me and told me when the line was crossed,
But you were never mean about it.
I am appalled that you still haven't noticed
I'm so grateful for you to have known you,


I keep getting told my letters keep getting lost,
In a certain way,
Whoever keeps loosing them is doing me a huge favour, No that's not how it works
I'd feel so embarrassed if I found out that you read all of them, Don't beee
Guess I'm just a bit shy like that.

You make me feel something none else has,

Hey, Felix,

Any new friends? No
I would wanna know,
Cause I gained one :)
His name is Mingi,
He also likes to rap,
And he's kind to me, Good
He not like you though..

Miss you, I miss you too

Dear Felix,

All my letters keep "getting lost",
But I feel like that's just not the case,
I dunno why, You're right
I feel like they're all going through perfectly fine,
Do you not like them or something? No
Cause if you tell me then I'll stop..
I'll stop because I respect you and your boundaries,
Just tell me if that's the case. It's not



You haven't said anything,
But we both know my gut feeling has never been wrong, You're right
So do you like them? Love them
Do you like seeing me send you letter? Yes
Letters about me asking about your day,
Or me sending you letters and writing like a lovesick whore for you,
An absolute lovesick whore that's head over heals for you. I'd like to say you're crushing but whatever floats your boat
Do you like that? Has someone not gotten dick in a while?
God I sound desperate..
They say that if you truly love someone then you always want them to be happy,
So even if it isn't with me,
I want you to be happy,
I want you to live happily.
Just tell me and I'll stop,
I'll stop all of this,
I'll stop the letters,
I'll stop being so lovesick for you,
I promise.. I want you to be happy

Just tell me,


You still haven't said no, You're right
I think I'm just writing these for comfort though,
It's also nice to get stuff off of my chest,
Because you always told me off for hiding things,
You always said I should be more open with you,
That's kinda what I'm doing,
Guess this is my way. It's just easier to tell someone you trust
Remember how you always supported me? Yes, obviously
You supported my dreams when my parents didn't,
That meant a lot to me,
I chose to major in music,
All because of your endless support. Good, I want you to be happy
Mom and dad weren't happy though, Well fuck them
They keep insisting I change my major to business,
But the money was already put in,
So there's not much I can do now.
It's amazing to know I had a friend who'd always support my dream, Always
Even if that dream may not lead to a successful job,
Or a lot of money, That's okay
It's nice to remember I always had you supporting me.

You'd still support me now? Right? Yes, Binnie, always
~Binnie Love you~

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