fucking hell

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i'm always in pain, my head constantly hurts, i have to take random drugs and i have no idea what they are.

life is fucking hell.

i would never wish this bullshit upon anyone.

nobody deserves to have such a damaging and dangerous environment as the closest thing they can call a home.

i'm a real person

with real problems

with heartache

and pain.

i'm real. if you ever need someone, i'm here. i may be tiny in comparison to this world, but at least i don't pretend that everything is
ok. at least i'm honest about how shitty life can be. at least i'm honest..

i can listen. if you have problems you need to rant about, i'll always listen. i'm here to help, not to disturb. i want to be someone- make an impact in someone's life- i want to be there for people.

my oldest sister.
my younger brother.
my friend since birth.

i couldn't be there for these people when they needed help.

when they needed me.

but i still want to help! i want to be there for anyone who will let me!

please... talk.


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