Chapter One- The Meeting

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Alfreds POV
I sat at the current world meeting surrounded by the personifications of the nations. I sat beside Kiku Honda, the personification of Japan meanwhile, Arthur Kirkland ( Britain ) Sat beside Francis Bonnefoy ( France ). They were bickering about Arthur's horrible cooking. I never said it to his face as a young nation but dude, It's Disgusting! "HUSH YOU BLOODY FROG!" Britain Yells. As usual the other nations pay no attention, busy within their own discussions. "He's right Britain!" I say in between bites of my hamburgers. "It's not like you're grease covered "meat" is any better for you! You're going to get fat!" Britain said with a sigh. No I wouldn't get fat right? I go to the gym every other day so I should be fine! I am the hero after all! "HAHAHA! I'm the hero! I won't get fat Britain!" I say triumphantly, gathering the attention of some of the other nations. "Honestly America, Shut Up!" China Chimed ( XD Chimed ) I sighed and looked over to Kiku. "Hey Dude whatcha lookin at?" I say. I caught his attention and follow his eyes to Greece. "Oh the cat dude? Yeah he's just sleeping." I say. "Why does he rike cats so mush Arfred-San?" I pause for a second, thinking about my answer. I then noticed a light blush on Kiku's Cheeks. "Dude, your country has a thing for cats so maybe like, he has taken a liking to them?" I say with a slight smirk. "O-oh. Thank you Arfred-San" he says and goes over to Greece. I look over and see Russia with a terrifying face, eying Lithuania. "D-Dude what is with that creepy face!" I say looking to Ivan. He looks over at me and starts muttering. "kolkolkolkol.." I look over to China once more. "Aru buy our Chinese tasty Treat!" He shouts. The Nations all start getting louder and Italy Looks over to Germany. He stands up and shouts, "EVERYONE SHUT UP!" Francis and Arthur stop bickering and look over to him, and most of the nations follow suit. "VE HAVE CALLED ZHIS MEETING TO DISCUSS ZHE PROBLEMS ZHAT ARE OCCURING AT ZHIS MOMENT, NOT BICKER ABOUT POINTLESS THINGS!" The whole room is silent as he continues. "SINCE NONE OF JOU CAN SEEM TO GRASP ZHE SITUATION, I VILL HAVE TO TAKE CONTROL! Now ve vill hold zhis meeting accordingly and jou vill each have Eight minutes to present!" I look around the room glancing at the nations. Several scoffing at Germany's Control. "Ja ok, America vill jou present first?" He says. The whole room directs there attention on me. I hear snickers and scoffs coming from several countries and my mood dampens a bit. "Sure thing Dude just lemme get my-" I am quickly interrupted by an annoyed China. "America we don't need to hear about Global Warming Superheroes or your Ways to solve the hunger in your country!  That wouldn't be a problem if you didn't eat so many burgers!" Germany looks over to China and silenced him with a deadly glare. My eyes water up. I spent a lot of time on this presentation and I thought it would be good. I quickly stand up, leaving my presentation on the table and wiping my eyes. "America jou-" Germany begins. "I guess I'll take my leave dudes.." with that I walk out the meeting room door.

Arthur's POV
What just happened? America has been acting a bit strange recently and this is a bit worrying. He should be fine though, he wouldn't do anything irrational. I look over to Germany and Italy. "Ve~ Germany, what's wrong with-a America?" He says, confused. "Vell, I'm not exactly sure Italy." Germany responds. The meeting continues as usual but I'm still worried about America. I look over to The frog and address my concerns. "Don't worry Mon Ami, Alfred will be fine" he says, resting his hand on my shoulder. His words are comforting, but I'm still worried. Soon the Meeting is over but I'm called over to Germany and Italy. After everyone has left, Germany shows me the presentation. "Britain, zhis is surprisingly professional for America.." I take the paper and scan through it. It talked about the rising problem of world hunger and several good solutions. It was clearly, very well thought out. I hand the paper back to Germany, receiving a worried look from Italy. "I didn't know Alfred could be so mature. I feel bad that he wasn't able to present either but the way he acted afterwards was very out of character... it was like he lost all optimism.. did you notice that Germany?" I say, looking at the german. "Ja it is very unusual... perhaps jou should go check on him. I can valk Italy home." Italy flashes Germany a bright smile. "Ve~ I would-a like that Luddy!" The Germans face flashes a subtle pink and he coughs. "Uhm j-Ja we vill get going. Auf Wiedersehen Britain." And with that Italy grabs his hand and they walk out the meeting room. There might be something going on between the two but you never know with Italians. I sigh looking at my watch. We are way past the closing time of the meeting. I get into my car and begin the drive to Alfreds house.


As I pull into America's driveway, I notice all the lights are off. Strange. My concerns grow more when I knock on the door and nobody answers. I'm beginning to panic. "What if he's hurt, what if he needs me oh god oh dear I-" I stop as I see a worn out looking Alfred open the door. Does he have.. tear stains on his cheeks? I immediately hug him and feel him tense up. "Britain, Dude are you ok? What's wrong?" I let go and back away and notice the subtle blush on his cheeks. "Well.. I uhm.." I stammered before he pulled me inside. "Hey do you want anything to eat Britain?" He says in a cheery tone. "Just tea please." He rummages through the kitchen, and finally finds a small bag of tea. He sets it in a cup of warm water and passes it to me. "Thank you Alfred" I say. He goes to sit down beside me on the couch. "Aren't you going to get something too like a bag of McDonalds?" I say. "Oh well.." he pauses. "I'm not hungry right now heh.."

Alfreds POV
"Oh well.. I'm not hungry right now heh..." I say quickly bluffing. The truth is that what the other nations said about me bothered me so I decided to lay off of food for a while. No big deal. Britain looks concerned but soon goes back to his bitter demeanor. I take off my bomber jacket and settle into the couch a bit more and feel Britain's gaze. "Hey Dude, like what you see?" I say in a taunting tone. "Uh.. QUIET YOU BLOODY GIT!" He says before looking away and I swear I caught a bit of blush on his cheeks. Mr.Tea and Crumpets falling for me? No.. he wouldn't like me, I'm fat. I sigh and soon get lost in thought. I'm interrupted by Britain's concerned voice. "Alfred are you ok? You don't seem like yourself.." he say his eyes holding worry and confusion. "Oh nothing dude I'm good! I'm the hero after all!!" I say. It doesn't feel true. Britain sighs and stands up. "Well, I should get going now it was nice seeing you Alfred." I look over at the clock and it is already 7:30pm. "Oh yeah dude, like thanks for coming over!" I say. He stands up and frantically looks around for a second before cursing to himself. "Arthur what's wrong?" I say attracting the grumpy brits attention. "I forgot my jacket in the Meeting room.." I reach for my bomber jacket and take it off the coffee table and slide it over his shoulders. "O-Oh thank you.. Alfred" he says, burying his face into  the jacket on the sides, blushing. A blush rises to my face at his childish actions and I look down at the shorter male. "W-Well it was nothing.." I say. "Well you should probably get going byee!" I say pushing him out the door. I slam the door shut pushing my back against it with my face in my hands. My face was burning. Did that actually happen?

Arthur POV
"Well you should probably get going byee!" The taller male says as he pushes me out the door. I press my back onto the door. "Omg did that really just happen?" I look down at the jacket I'm wearing and smile. With all worry erased I climb into my car and drive home.

Alright so how was that for my first fan fiction? I think I did pretty well balancing out the angst and romancy usuk! Tell me if you like it in the comments and I will continue as soon as possible! Signing out, CråbCakês. 🦀

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