Chapter Five

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Alfred POV
As we drove away from the meeting a heavy silence filled the car and the tension was so thick, you could cut it with a knife. I looked out the window as it started to rain, the crisp fall leaves now soaked with rain. I rest my head on the window like people do in those edgy music videos. Geez I'm messed up aren't I?
Soon the car makes it to Britain's house and he pulls into the garage. He shuts off the car and unbuckles his seatbelt. He steps out of the car and opens the door for me, holding out his hand. A strange action from tea and crumpets, but ok. It's probably because of what just happened.. I feel worse now. I take his hand and he leads me inside his house. He takes off his shoes at the door and I do the same. His house smells nice kind of like... tea. Of course it does. I look around and head to the couch and sit down and Arthur sits beside me. He says nothing and hugs me again. "I'm sorry Alfred.. I never should have said those things that I did and I should've stopped them I just-" not knowing what to do I uhm.. I kissed him. His eyes widen as our lips move in sync but he soon melts into the kiss. I pull back and there is a heavy blush on his cheeks. "What did you do that for you git!" He says. I chuckle and smirk. "Because I loveeee youuu!" I say in a joking tone. He huffs and I can see a faint smile on his lips. "So Artie, where is the room I'm gonna stay in?" He looks at me and then responds gently. "Oh well we have a guest room upstairs and down the hall, I can show you if you want." I smile at the Brit and he blushes a little. "Sure dude, I would like that." He holds out his hand looking straight ahead and I gently grasp it. His hand is surprisingly warm and I gently squeeze it for reassurance. He leads the way down the hall pointing out obvious rooms like the bathroom and his room and we finally make it to the guest bedroom. I open the door, still holding his hand. It's homier than I expected and has a nice color scheme. I look around at how the blues and tans mix together in a pleasant sort of way. I smile and walk into the room, letting go of his hand. The
Bed is a queen size and there are several bookshelves and a desk against the wall. I smile at Arthur and he smiles back. "I'll let you get used to your room ok Alfred?" I nod and I soon hear the click of the door. I flip onto the big bed and let out a sigh, my glasses almost falling off my face.

Arthur POV
I leave the room and hear the click of the door. I have things to do. I go into the kitchen and look for sharp things such as the obvious knives, peelers etc. I put them into a box and continue room after room removing razors, scissors, sewing needles and other items. Once I was confident the house was safe, I put the box under my bed. If I needed an item, I would have to get it but it's worth it if Alfred is safe. My Thoughts drift back to the kiss we shared earlier. His lips were so soft and warm. I raise my hand to my lips blushing, before huffing and continuing on my way. Stupid bastard, making me flustered and happy all the time. I look at the clock and it is quite late so I decide to make dinner. I push my sleeves up and get cooking.
*** TIMESKIP by Mother Russia***
I sigh looking at the mess of a kitchen before me and to no avail, dinner is a singed black hunk of god knows what. The smoke alarm is going off and Alfred rushes out of his room, almost falling down the stairs. He looks me and starts laughing at the flour on my face and in my hair. "It's not funny git!" I say my face reddening from anger. Within breaths he says "it's not that.. it's just your cooking.. set off the fire alarm!" I try to jump up and silence the alarm but I can't reach it. "Aww do you need help alfie?" I silence him with a deadly glare and he walks over. "Don't call me alfie." I say, spitting venom. "Aww but it's so cute though!" I blush lightly and he places his hands on my waist, lifting me up. I shut off the fire alarm and thank him and he goes back to the guest bedroom.
What just happened?

Alfred POV
I quickly rush back to the guest bedroom before sitting on the bed. Alfred has a really feminine frame holy shit. Like damn That man has curves. I catch myself blushing before standing up and getting into the shower.
After I finish washing I step out of the shower, shutting off the water. I shiver at the cold but dry my hair off and pick up my glasses. I don't really need them so it would be ok not to wear them for now. Fun fact Alfred actually doesn't need his glasses. It has been confirmed that he just wore them to be mature.
I wrap the towel around my waist and walk into the room. Shit I forgot I don't have any clothes. I walk downstairs and look into the kitchen to see Arthur.. actually cooking something!? I sniff the air and a heavenly aroma fills my nose. I get Arthur's attention and he quickly turns around before blushing. "PUT SOME CLOTHES ON ALFRED!" He says covering his face with his hands but, I can still see him peeking. "Ah but that's the problem, I don't have any clothes." He looks at my arm but Then back to my eyes. "Oh well.. you probably wouldn't fit in my clothes but I have some sweaters that are too big for me." I shrug and he leads me to his room. He bends down and opens the drawer. Damn he has a nice ass- wait no stop brain, that's perverted of you. ITS NOT A LIE THOOO Arthur soon turns around holding up a pastel pink sweater with the words "kitty" on it. I look at him questioningly before taking The sweater. "Don't ask." He says then hands me a pair of boxers. I go into the guest room and put into the clothes and surprisingly, they fit. I walk down the stairs and Arthur looks my way before blushing and laughing at me. I feel my cheeks warm up and he soon quiets down. "Alfred that is the funniest thing I have seen today." He says looking at me smiling. "Well it's not my fault we didn't go get my clothes" I say. He motions for me to come over to the table and I see a fucking FEAST. I sit down at the table and look at the food before me. I look to Arthur and he motions me forward to eat it. I start to sweat and my hands shake. I haven't eaten in so long.. I've become weak but if I eat I'll become fat again. Oh god I'm still fat. I can't eat this. I don't wanna get fat again please oh god. Arthur looks at me with a questioning look. "What's the matter Alfred why aren't you eating?"

Arthur's POV
"What's the matter Alfred why aren't you eating?" I say looking at Alfred. He looks like a mess did I say something wrong. He only shakes his head while looking down at his plate. "Do you not like the food if so I can make you something else-" "no that's not it" he says. He sighs and with a shaky breath says "I- I don't wanna become fatter.." I look at him in shock. Fat? Fat!? Alfred is not fat AT ALL. If anything, he's underweight. "Alfred you're not fat." I say looking at him. "B-But I am.. I am fat Arthur.. haven't you seen me? I'm disgusting and vile.." he says on the verge of tears. "A-Alfred you aren't vile, you aren't disgusting. Why are you saying this?" I say. Suddenly it all clicks into place. He has an eating disorder. After all the things the others said.. I look back to Alfred and silent tears are running down his pale cheeks. I stand up and wrap my arms around his thin frame. I slowly rub his back and whisper gentle, soothing words. He soon quiets down and turns and hugs my waist. "I-I'm not fat?" He looks up to me and hugs me tighter. "No Alfred you're not fat at all, you actually need to eat more." I say and he inches backward. He doesn't want to eat. "Listen Alfred, you don't need to eat a lot, only a little." I say. "How long has it been since you last ate?" I said. "I'm not sure.." hmm ok well, I need him to eat something. I portion a very small portion of rice and put some into the fork. Alfred looks at me curiously. "Open up Alfred~" I say and he blushes but complies. He slowly chews the food and we repeat the process until he ate the whole portion of rice. I smile at him and he seems to be happier by my approval. "Thank you for eating Alfred, I'm glad you did." He smiles before hugging me and heading towards his room. I clean up the plates and put the leftovers into the fridge.

Alfred POV
I walk to my bed and a feeling of dread comes over me. I shouldn't have eaten, i am going to get fat. I start to hyperventilate and head toward the bathroom. I lean over the toilet and push my fingers down my throat. This is not the first time I've done this but still, it makes me uncomfortable. I empty my stomach into the toilet and start to cry. Arthur seemed so happy that I had eaten and look what I did... look what you did. I wipe my tears and face and flush the toilet before walking back to my room, crying myself to sleep.

OFF THAT WAS EDGYYY. I did a lot of fluff in this chapter and made it quite long. Sorry I wasn't on for a bit but I'm here now!
CrâbCakės 🦀🦀🦀

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2020 ⏰

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