21 1 3

"What the fuck is this?"

Envy stares down at her right arm, confusion clear on her face. There's a large bruise right below her wrist, one that she's never seen before. The homunculus tilts her head slightly as she keeps a fixed gaze on it.

Why isn't it healing? It should've healed by now. Envy thinks to herself.

She shivers in the cold, dark room beneath Central, and her siblings don't seem to be around in that moment.

Well, except for Pride--er--Selim, though he doesn't say a word in response to Envy's confused outburst.

She sighs and lays back down on the bed, staring up at the ceiling above, wondering why the hell this had to happen to her specifically.

And as always, she wonders why she can't get that damned pipsqueak off her mind.


Ed stares at his non-metal arm, eyes widened as he tries to make sense of what exactly is there.

Three long scratches, having already become scars, line his arm with crimson. They don't even hurt when the alchemist drags his fingers across them.

While that doesn't hurt, Ed's in for a world of pain when Winry sees the scars.

Winry rushes over, grabbing his arm rather forcefully and getting a good look at the long scars.

"How did this happen, Ed?! Tell me!" She demands, glaring daggers at him.

Ed sighs. "I'm not sure, actually. I know that I wasn't cut during that fight.."

The sound of clanking metal alerts the pair as Al enters the room. He sees Ed's arm and immediately runs over.

"Brother! Are you okay?!"

"Can't you tell that he's not okay?? He has long scars up his arm!" Winry snaps.

"Oh. Sorry.." Al responds.

"Guys, seriously. I wasn't cut or scratched or whatever during the fight, so I'm not sure where these came from!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2020 ⏰

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