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Geoffrey Evergreen:

It is finally the end of summer. It is not usuall for me to say this,but god damn it was about time.
This must have been the worst summer ever,I mean...for me though. Because my introvert,lazy ass did shit, while everybody else grew,got hotter,met new people and made out.
This summer was specially bad for me because when i was younger, I had this same lack of cofidence,but i had the consolation that i had a Bestfriend that was going through that same stuff as me.But now he is groing tall, getting better in Football and hanging out with the cool kids.
We used to be like Family, but now everything is changed, he now goes to cool parties and doesn't tell me.
But i get it...Life is a race, he couldn't stick to me much longer if he wanted to win.
The worst part is we both now there is something happening, But won't talk about it because we are too proud.
We still talk at school,but not as much as we used to.Plus, he doesn't protect me anymore from when the cool kids who make fun of me.
What was set to be my bestfriend,is now just another fake friend.

What i mean by "fake friends"are the people that call you "friend" so they can bully you, and tell you it Was Just a joke and feel good with their disgusting selves, but if they started talking to a cool person, they would be ashamed to say they are friends with me.

Now that you have seen how sad my life is,I can proceed with my story.

We eventually had to go back to school.
I hated that time of the year. Every year for the last 3 or 4 years, I am , again, the only one who hasn't gained some inches.
It was no surprise. But I got sad anyways because this past summer I convinced myself i was growing because i kept jumping and trying to touch the lightbulbs at my house.

That made me feel like Shaquille O'neal.
But when I went back to school I, once more, felt like Kevin Hart if he played in the NBA.

But no pressure...your father is 1.92 cm will soon grow...

As the students began to regroup theirselves by their positions in the hierarchy, I felt more and more like an outcast, and I later learned that all this time , i had no friends.

Soon, the anxiety started to kick in...

The only thing I could do was go sit with the other rejects.
I felt at home with them, because that people went through the same as I did.
But we didn't talk about that kind of stuff...but we knew each other's pain,and that was all that mattered.
No "be yourself " , no "you're cool your own way " no nothing. We didn't need therapists and motivational speakers, we just needed someone who knew what you went and still go through, Cause even if you talk to someone about your pain they won't know, they just give you you consolation because they don't want you to choose the wrong path or suicide.

'Can I sit with you?'

Me and my fellow rejects looked back as we saw this emo girl approached us.
After some seconds of an awkward silence, i bravely said:

'of course you can!'

With an awkward smile escaping from my lips.

She didn't want to show us her emotions , but we could easily see that this person was also rejected because she didn't fit and didn't want to fit in the patterns imposed by this judgemental society.
I couldn't stop looking at her, She was everything the society didn't aprove, but I was enchanted.

She put on her old headphones and pretended she was reading a book.
That was her letting us know she wasn't in the mood for talking.

First impression on her:probably depressed,didn't fit in, an introvert and desperate to make friends.

I think I found a soulmate!

After lunchtime was over I went over to try and talk to her, even though I knew she didn't want to.

But one of my few qualities is not thinking twice.

I got closer to her and Before I could say something,she asked "what do you want?"

I started to stutter cause I thought she didn't want me there.

"I've got xanny, L$D, coke,percs, molly, anything you might want"
She said.

And I thought to myself;
"Oh thank God, I thought she didn't want me here...wait, what?!"

"Heyoo dude, want something?"
"I want molly."
I said it too look cool. To impress her. Drugs are deadly. I don't wanna die,at least not that way.

I had to spend the only 20 bucks I had for the next 2 months and put my ingenious child reputation at risk.

Song for the chapter:

𝖢𝗈𝖿𝖿𝖾𝖾 𝖡𝖾𝖺𝗇 - 𝖳𝗋𝖺𝗏𝗂𝗌 𝖲𝖼𝗈𝗍𝗍 🚀
Xanny-Billie Eillish 💊

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