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It was a bloody fight, the white army advanced towards ours and we did the best we could to halt their advances.

Machine gunners and riflemen are shooting at oncoming white army forces, their musicians play patriotic songs before joining the bodies of their fallen comrades.

The year 1917 and my name is Xenik Semyonov, this year has sparked the beginning of a new era of our motherland and for me.

I was assigned to guard an outpost in the middle of a forest when I heard something growling in the bushes, I slowly walked towards it with my rifle equipped on my two hands.

As I jumped towards it another person seems to be there and we stumbled upon to each other, and felt something really soft.

As I looked upon it, it was to my surprise that I've accidentally touched a women's thighs, we both blushed and she started squeal, he pushed me of equipped her nagant revolver and started to try and shoot me.

"Hey! Stop! It was an accident okay?!"

I exclaimed as I desperately try to avoid the deadly rounds of ammunition she is trying to pierce through my body.

I felt like she wouldn't stop as she kept reloading her pistol and is trying to desperately shoot me dead, I rushed towards her and held the gun forcefully pointed the gun up high.

"Listen to me, just calm down and let us talk through this"

I said it to her face as I felt she is slowly calming down, we both slowly out down the pistol and I explained what happened.

After a brief conversation, both of us sat down on a nearby tree and we finally had the chance to have a proper introduction.

"My name's Sofia Novikov, I'm from the white army, how about you?"

My heart went pumping, I was talking to an enemy but I kept it as chill as I could and replied

"Xenik Semyonov, I'm from the red army"

Her face were as surprised as I discovered that we are from opposing factions, she also try to go with the flow and said

"I see, we should keep this interaction a secret then"

"You bet"

I replied before hearing footsteps of soldiers approaching our direction, they must've heard the gunshot that she fired ages ago.

I made a quick reflex and hid onto the bush with her, I covered her mouth and said

"Someone's here and I am not sure who, but they're coming"

I peeked through and saw two red army and white army officers glaring at each other intensely before leaving.

I gave a sigh of relief and stood up as the officers left the scene, I reached for her hand as I helped her stand up and asked as  I put my other hand on the back of my neck.

"So, want to meet up from time to time?"

"Sure thing"

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