Shoji x (Shy)Reader

372 14 2

Quirk: Call of the Wild

You can mimic animal calls really well, which is really good if you are spying on your target or scaring them, for example if your target heads to a cave to hide you can make a roar sound making the target think there is a mountain lion living in the caves which will scare them away. It is possible you can make it so loud that it can literally blow your opponents away. This also comes with communicating with animals and summoning them as well by calling them.


It is a lovely day, spring break is over and I am on my way to meet up with the girls so we can all walk together to school "Yo (Y/N), over here!" says Jiro, you look ahead and smiled happy seeing your friends waiting for you, you jogged up to them saying your greetings "Whoa (Y/N), did you cut your hair!?" Uraraka pointed out I blushed and nodded "It looks so pretty on you!" "Why did you decide to cut it?" "Your hair has a lot of volume!" I blushed and thanked them "Having long hair was nice and all, but I always used to have it short before so I decided to cut it." I smiled shyly "Or, is it because you want to catch eyes for you know who." Jiro teases as your face immediately turns into a beet red you shushed her "Oh? (Y/N), has a crush!?" Hagakure chuckled "N-NO" I blushed even more "OMG who is it!?" Uraraka nudges "I think that is cute, I wonder who it could be!" Momo, you faced Jiro and gave her a mad pouted look like this (-3-) "Haha sorry (Y/N), anyway you should really tell him how you feel though." she says you held both your hands "I-I wish it was that easy.. but I doubt he'll like me back" you say everyone looks at you "Well if you don't mind us (Y/N), we would be happy to know who it is and us girls promise we won't tell anyone." Momo announced. "W-Well.. okay.. my crush is... uh. . . . Shoji-kun." the girls squealed and you try to hide your face with your hair but you remembered you can't do that habit anymore. "Awh that is sweet!" "I think you guys would make the perfect couple!" "He is very sweet, I remembered he was trying to keep me warm during when we were taking our hero licenses test, ribbit." "Oh that is right! I remembered that." Momo adds. Thats right you forgot he was with Jiro, Tsu, and Momo I was with Tokoyami trying to find our other classmates. "So what is it you like about him (Y/N)-chan?" Mina asked I thought about it deeply "W-Well, he is just so sweet.. he is tall, and so cool.. h-he is super strong, I wish I was confident like him." I say blushing "You look up to him don't you (Y/N)?" Momo asked I nodded "But I feel bad I remembered I saw him walking one time and people kept giving him weird looks like they were disgusted by him it made me so sad and especially when that pony girl from Class-B said mean things at him." you clenched your hands but took a deep breathe trying to control yourself. "Wow (Y/N), you have a lion in you don't ya, huh!" Mina says "Yeah I agree I was pretty pissed off." "Yeah like she doesn't know him like we do!" "Yes it was quite rude and very unnecessary." we continued our walk to school once we head to class we planned on having lunch together on the rooftops, just us girls, and also the reason being is so they can help me or give me advice on how I should confess to him. We entered the classroom and were greeted by the bois I sat on my desk I couldn't help but to find Shoji and what do you know he is talking with Tokoyami, him and Shoji have gotten really close ever since the villains attacked the camp. I kept dozing off, daydreaming which I haven't realized until someone poked me I look to see who it was, Tokoyami and Shoji I blushed when I made eye contact with him "H-Hey guys good morning." I say damn I hate stuttering, Shoji might think I am weird now I cried internally "Good morning to you as well." "Are you feeling alright? You dozed off a bit there." Shoji commented "O-Oh yeah, I am just a bit sleepy and I am not fully awake." I say rubbing my cheeks "Oi Shoji, can you come here for a bit!" he nodded "I'll be back." we both nodded Tokoyami then leans in close to my face "I know you're lying (Y/N)" I blushed and whispered to him "W-Well, I can't help it, I get really shy and nervous being near him, like my heart wants to explode." I confessed he sigh and patted my head "(Y/N), you have not change one bit." he smiled "What is that suppose to mean?" I pouted (in a cute mad way) "You know, your heart is pure and so are you. I can see why many others have eyes for you." I looked at him confused "You care for your fellow comrades, also let us not forget about your pure strength, which is here." he points to where his heart is I was about to tear up which shocked "O-Oh I am sorry, did I say something wrong?" he panicked a bit I wiped the tear away "No, thank you so much Tokoyami, I swear you are the best guy friend I could ever have." I say hugging him. Tokoyami and I have have been best friends ever since I can remember he knows my secrets and I know his. We may be total opposites but we get along quite well. We both see each other as siblings I guess you can say. "Tokoyami, I really want to confess Shoji," I say as I take a glance at him then faced Tokoyami "B-But I am just afraid, you're close to him what do you think I should do!?" I asked, he took a moment to think about it "Well, how about you write your feelings down and give him the letter yourself. Knowing you if you were to tell him you would be a nervous wreck," "Wow thanks.." I chuckled "But if you want you can just give him the letter and leave or you can give it to him and wait for him to rad it and see what his response is." I nodded "Okay, I think I can do it! Thanks a lot, I owe you one!" I hugged Tokoyami "No need (Y/N), we are close friends after all." I smirked "Oh so an apple pie would soothe your soul?" he stiffened "W-Well, I guess if it isn't too much trouble.." he blushed "You know you can never resist my apple pies!" I laughed.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2020 ⏰

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