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"The woman cried for days and days and her tears, like waterfalls, became a lake. The waves pulled the body of the boy to the center of the lake. The woman, who had magical abilities, cast a spell, binding her sons soul to the lake. With that, she would be able to see him even if he's dead."

The villagers were touched by this sad but heartwarming story. "You see" Ashlyn said "the boy, who is your 'evil spirit' has a bitter past. No one visited him except for his mother. He saw her getting older and die while he stayed the same. He isn't evil. He is lonely. "

The villagers were relieved to hear that, but now they asked why they were told not to go into the forest.
Ashlyn nodded "I think that his father, the man who killed him, has told your ancestors scary stories after he killed his son. Maybe he didn't want them to find his sons body. But that's not important right now. I promised you, to tell you ways to deal with that spirit. Talk to him. Play with him. He is just a child." The villagers promised to think about it.

The next morning Ashlyn left the village, but as soon as she crossed the wall around the village, she knew that she made a mistake. But she could not go back, because she had another town she had to visit.
She the decided to cast a spell, that anyone who tries to harm Clay will turn into stone. It's not much, but it was the only thing she could think of that could protect him.

Since then centurys have passed and quite a few people tried to get rid of Clay, so now there are statues around his lake. Some of them are buried under plants, others fell over or into the lake.

Unfortunately Ashlyn couldn't go back to that village and undo the spell before she died.
She left that for her descendants to do."

It was quiet for a few minutes after she ended the story. "So, you're saying that it is our duty to find a way to undo the spell that turns people to stone?"he asked. His teacher nodded. "And no one has successfully done that until now?" "Unfortunately not, no." "Why?" "As you learned during the last years our family didn't just raise good witches and warlocks. Some were evil and many were just not interested."

He decided that he would try everything to free the little ghost boy, so that he could pass to the afterlife and see his mother again.

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