The Pond in the Forest (Part 1)

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You finished your training early like a few others did. Usually the others would go hang out, and do such things, but you weren't feeling it today. You thought about what you could do to pass time now that you had hours of unscheduled free time. Suddenly, you thought of a secret place that you hadn't visited in quite some time now. It was a beautiful small kind of pond in the thick green forest. Each time it rained a lot, the water would get high, and it was perfect for getting alone time, and calming yourself down. It rained two days ago, a lot, so you knew all the water would gather in the pond, and because it was small, it'd be warm enough to be comfortable.

You went to your room in the girls cabin, and grabbed a new pair of black boy shorts, a plain blue tank top, a loose-fitting sweater to be thrown over, a black pair of leggings, and fresh white ankle socks. You made sure to also grab a towel. You stuffed it all in a bag, and threw it on your shoulder, and headed out.

You were in the forest looking back to make sure no one had followed you, you grinned as you saw that no one had. You finally found it. The trees were a vibrant green that almost made a perfect circle around the pond giving you privacy. The blue water glistened as the warm sunlight touched it. Your heart harmed up to the jaw dropping sight. You smiled, and internally patted yourself on your shoulder for finding this spot. You stood beside a huge ass tree, and put your bag down, laying it on the brown bark. You tied your (h/c) hair in a messy bun, and started to untie the buckles that restrained you from pulling off your shirt.


You heard them hit the root of the tree. You wiggled your boots off, and quickly unbuttoned your blouse. You pulled your pants down faster than you ever had before, and were now left in your bra, and panties.

"Fucking idiot", you cursed to yourself for not wearing socks while training. Your feet were sore, and they could really enjoy a nice soak. You unclipped your bra, and let it fall to the ground. You slipped your panties off, and kicked the pile of clothes you made, into a big ball of clothes pushed up against the tree. You were now butt naked, and decided to take a dip.

You didn't wait to test how cold the water was, and you just slipped in, trying to avoid getting your hair wet. It was perfect, as you suspected. You grinned swimming around, loving the water touching your bare skin. Loving that you didn't wear a bathing suit, and loving that you felt free, with the water touching every part of your body.  

Lost in your own thought, you nearly drowned because you felt the presence of someone else. You snapped out of your relaxing daze, and listened closely. You could hear footsteps getting closer. You quickly swam to the left where the view of that part of the pond was blocked by some bushes.

"Ah, I'm finally alone", you heard a familiar voice say. The voice didn't kick in until you heard a big splash. Your eyes went wide, and you realized that voice was Marco Bodt's. You immediately blushed remembering that you were totally nude.

Please don't see me please don't see me please don't see me

You decided if you were facing away from him, and you couldn't see him, that'd make him not be able to see you. You heard water being moved, and splashed around close to you.

"(Your name)?!", Marco exclaimed.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck you shitty idiot fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

You turned around, but after seeing that he was also nude, your face turned beet red.  

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